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.Brandon crossed the room and knelt beside me, grabbing my chin and forcing me to meet his gaze. Things are going to be okay.I swear it.Regardless of what happens. He leaned forward and kissedme on my forehead before gathering me in his arms, holding tight when the dam burst again.I cried for what seemed like an eternity, soaking his shirt with my tears until I couldn t cry anymore,only small, hiccupping sobs remaining.I finally pulled away from him, murmuring an apology whenhe got to his feet slowly, his poor knees obviously killing him from kneeling on the linoleum floor likethat for so long.A nurse bustled in and shot me a look of sympathy as she took in my tear-stained face and obviouslybedraggled appearance. Need anything, honey? she asked me as she passed, moving to check themachines beeping around the bed and the man lying in it. No, thank you.I m good, I said.She finished her check-up and patted first me, then Brandon, on the arm as she passed by. I ll beback in a while to check on him again.If you need anything, you know where to find me. With a kindsmile, she walked out the door, leaving us alone again.I sighed and glanced up at Brandon again. Want to sit with me for a while? I asked him.He smiled and nodded before grabbing the other chair in the room and pulling it over beside me.Hesat and reached out to pat Jackson s good leg. Hey, man, he said to him.Then he looked at me as hesaid,  You know, you re a lucky bastard, Jackson.And by lucky I mean that you have gorgeouswoman sitting here bawling her eyes out over you because she loves you so much and because youknocked her up.He winked at me and continued, this time looking at Jackson as he spoke. But you gotta wake up,man.You kid is gonna need someone to teach him all that fancy house building shit you do so he canbuild a killer tattoo shop to work in on the side.I giggled at that, reaching out to take Brandon s hand in one of mine and Jackson s with the other. But no, really, man.We miss you.So come home, buddy. The last words sounded choked and hecleared his throat.He glanced back at me and I gave him a watery smile. Allie, he said tentatively,  Are you happy?About the baby, I mean?I blew out a breath and nodded, placing my other hand protectively over my belly. I really am,Brandon.I was shocked at first, but& I m going to be a mom.And I m going to love him or her with all my heart.WE will.He nodded, clasping my hand a little tighter.We didn t say much after that, just sat in silence with hishand resting on Jackson s leg while I held their hands in each of mine, lost in our own thoughts.And then I felt it.A tiny little flutter against my hand.I sat up, jerking my hand out of Brandon s and clasping both of them around Jackson s good one.Iheld my breath, willing it to happen again.Brandon started to ask me what was wrong but stoppedwhen I shook my head rapidly not to speak.There! Again! I grinned, the waterworks starting again as I turned to Brandon excitedly saying,  Hemoved! His hand-it MOVED!Brandon jumped up and raced from the room as I pleaded with Jackson to move his fingers again, towake up, open his eyes, anything! In a second he was back, nurse in tow.She moved around the bedquickly, checking his monitors, his vitals, and then gently opening each of his eyelids to shine a lightinto his eyes to check reaction.There was no real reaction from Jackson until she shined the light into his second eye and he gave theslightest flinch.She looked over at me and then Brandon, grinning as she said,  I ll call the doctor.She rushed out of the room again and I laughed as Brandon came over to me, grabbed me up andkissed me quickly, grinning at me like a kid on Christmas day. I m gonna go call his mom and everyone, he said.I turned back to look at Jackson and gasped, tears pouring freely down my face as I looked into deepbrown eyes& eyes that were open and looking at me. Ohmigod, ohmigod, OHMIGOD! Thank fuck! Oh, Jesus, you re awake! JACKSON! I cried,squeezing his hand in mine and leaning down to kiss his fingers.I could feel my hands shaking aroundhis& hell, my whole body was shaking.I let go with one of my hands and reached for the call button,frantically telling the nurse who answered,  He s awake! His eyes are open!I heard footsteps running in the hallway outside the room and all of sudden there was franticmovement everywhere as people flooded in.Nurses and doctors surrounded the bed and I was pushedback a little, my grip on Jackson s hand coming loose.I stepped back, not really wanting to lose thatconnection with him, but knowing that I was in the way, and watched as they asked questions, poked,prodded, and wrote notes.Brandon skidded back into the room and came to me saying, breathlessly,  They re all on the way.Icalled your parents and they re coming, too. Thank you, I whispered, leaning against him as we watched, waiting to hear some kind ofinformation out of the cluster of white coats and scrubs.Bits and pieces of conversation floated by us; pupil reaction good& eyes clear& lungs sound good& let s try taking him off the vent& good&good& Finally, one of the doctors stepped back to talk to us.Before he could say anything, though, Sarah andChloe came rushing through the door, Emma, Luke, and my parents hot on their heels.Damn, they dgotten here fast! Okay, folks.I m Dr.Michaels.I ve examined Mr.Matthews and have some good news.Yes, he did,in fact, wake up from his coma and I m confident we re on the road to recovery.So far his lungssound good and we re taking him off the ventilator; the puncture has healed very nicely with no complications as far as I can tell.We ll do some scans to be sure, though.We re going to keep aclose eye on him to see if there are any lasting effects from the head trauma; we ve been ratherworried about the slowing of his brain activity, but only time and testing will tell what we re dealingwith.He glanced around at everyone and said,  Since he s just waking up, we ll let you all see him briefly,two at a time, and then we ll be taking him to get started on running the tests and scans.Try not toexcite him or we ll have to kick you all out.Okay?We all nodded and Sarah asked a few questions of the doctor as I sidled away from the group,moving closer to the bed [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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