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.I felt sure that he was asenthusiastic as I was to make our last encounter a memorable one, to build an emotional link whichwould bind us together eternally, as long as we both should live, no matter where we might roam insearch of fresh blood to sustain our miraculous existence.The shadows caressed me gently.I wondered whether he might be hiding, teasing me just a little.Then, without warning, a gloved hand clamped itself over my mouth.The glove was made of coarse wool, and it was moist and dirty.I could taste something earthy as thefingers tried to block my mouth and stifle my voice.There was a sudden stink in my nostrils not just thereek of the glove but the foulness of bad breath.It was quite horrible.I wanted to scream, but I couldn't.It was as though the air had been knocked out of my lungs by the shock.I felt another arm snake around me from behind, but this one didn't grab at me.The hand already had Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlsomething in it, tightly gripped.I struggled, but the arm was strong, and the horrid smell was palpable.'Shut up! said a whispering voice, close to my ear, urgent with the panicky force of its command,although I hadn't managed to utter a sound. Keep quiet, or I'll cut you!'I felt the tip of something sharp press against my neck, against the spot where Maldureve had so oftenkissed me, from which he drew my blood.I knew it was the inert steel blade of a knife, but it felt like aclaw.It was like something living, viciously avid to slash, to hurt, to punish.I closed my eyes, beset by horror, but it was no good.I couldfeel the eyes staring at me, accusing me,hating me.There's no escape from the owls, when they cease to hide in light and come out into theshadows the warm, caressing shadows which feel so very safe, but aren't.The owls were there, and allthey needed was a little light to make themselves seen and felt.Silently, I screamed for Maldureve.The shadows were all around us:his shadows;his world.But hedidn't come in answer to my plea.The shadows didn't move at all.'Get down, you bitch! The words hissed and buzzed in my ear. Get down, you filthy, fucking bitch.'I hadn't forgotten what Maldureve had said that he couldn't come to save me from the owls, if everthey should seize me but I couldn't help it that I didn't believe him.I felt absolutely certain that he wouldcome, as he had before, surging out of the shadows to save me.I thought I knew him better than heknew himself.I howled for him to come, in the silent recesses of my skull.I got down, sinking so meekly that the man who held me thought he had me, thought that I was his,thought that he could do whatever he liked with me.He had a knife at my throat and he thought I'd givenin, that I'd consented to be his victim.He was wrong.As soon as the grip of the wet, foul glove relaxed upon my mouth, I screamed out loud.I screamed withall my might.I screamed for help, and the three syllables of Maldureve's name split the darkness likegreat claws, tearing the shadows.I screamed, as a demon might have screamed, with rage and fury aswell as terror and the fear of pain.I felt the pain which the shadow felt.I felt the blade of the knife prick me, groping for my soul.But it onlypricked me, and my soul was far beyond its reach.It was a lighter touch by far than Maldureve's, andalthough it was all pain, all tearing, I knew that it was really nothing and less than nothing.I knew thatmine was no ordinary flesh, that it could flow and mend itself, that it couldn't be destroyed.It would have been all right, if the bite of the steel blade hadn't somehow filled my eyes with kinaestheticlight.It would have been all right, If I'd been able to fade into the shadows.But I saw the terrible eyes ofthe owls, and I knew that the blade was really a claw, and that the owls had come to claim me.I would have laughed, but I was too busy screaming and fighting back.I grappled at the owl with myslender arms, and when that foul furry talon came back to try to clamp my mouth shut, I bit down on it ashard as I possibly could.Even through the woollen glove, with its stinking burden of moisture and dirt, I could taste the blood.Itwasn't sweet not in that coarse bed of soiled and matted fibres but it was good enough.With my ownfingers splayed like claws on a talon I groped for his eyes, for those horrible staring eyes that I couldn't Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlsee.I wanted to tear the tearer, terrorize the terror.to spill blood, in whatever quantity I could.Iwanted to hurt the thing that was hurting me, to show the monster that I was a monster too, a haunter ofthe dark, full of supernatural strength and vampiric power.Then, all of a sudden, he was gone, fluttering away through the darkness, with his great wings batteringthe leafless branches as he fled.He was gone, and I had won.I knew that I hadn't hurt him not really.I hadn't drawn nearly as much blood from him as he'd drawnfrom me; that became obvious when I put my hands to my neck and felt the wound that the knife hadmade.Touching it increased the pain a hundredfold, but I didn't even flinch.I could hear other people crashing through the wood by then, and I knew that they weren't owls orfreaks or predators drawn as though by some mysterious magnet to the Marquis of Membury's Garden.Iknew they were coming in answer to my scream.Maldureve hadn't come Maldureve had told me the simple truth when he said that he couldn't come tomy aid against the owls but I still hoped that hewould come, in his own time, so that he might soothemy wound with his gentle lips, and so that we could make our special kind of love for one last time:slowly, lovingly, languidly, carefully.I still hoped, even then.I knew that I was losing blood and losing consciousness, but I still hoped that I was going to be all right.I tried with all my might not to be scared.I told myself, as sternly as I could, that I wasn't frightened at all.I told myself that Maldureve had taught me not to be frightened of the dark, of demons, of rape, ofdying, of my own hunger.I knew that I was losing blood, but I hoped as fervently as I could that it wouldn't matter.I thought, inmy innocence, that hope might be enough to save my life.I didn't want to die, and I really thought that if Ihoped with all my heart that I might live, then Iwould live, and never die.I put my fingers to the gaping wound in my neck, but the nails felt like claws, eager to rip and rend.Ionly wanted to stop the cut, but the blazing touch of my own claws filled my head with white light, and inthe heart of that light I saw the owls.There were thousands of them, perhaps millions.Their eyes were vivid and fiery, and their feathers werelike coloured flames.They filled me up, and they caught my soul, and bore it aloft into their realm offrightful light.They took me, and caged me, and left me to wait all alone for the purifying fires of Hell to igniteinside my heart.Secondary Phase:Fever1I guess there are times in everybody's life when everything that previously seemed stable, settled and Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmldependable suddenly becomes unstable, unsettled and unreliable [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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