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.The spare room always stood ready for Tyrme or Juli to use at their convenience, and hadbeen properly aired quite recently.Ria was gone about an hour, and when he returned with their friend in tow, Jernacouldn t help but be shocked at Sila s condition.  Lady s love, what have they been doing to you? he exclaimed, rushing to take herarm and helping her over to the sofa.She was dishevelled, bruised and rather pale, hermouth grim and thin-lipped as if she was in pain.Her face and jaw were a mess. Trying to strangle me.Hello, Jerna.I was hoping to see you soon, but not like this.He bent to kiss her undamaged cheek. Never mind, it s good to see you again. Helooked at Ria who, strangely, was frowning. Supper? A glass of whisky, I think.Jerna thought both were needed.She was uncharacteristically passive anduninterested in what her friends were saying.It was worrying. You handle that, I ll getthe meal. I brought some food over, she said. That was nice  Behind her back, Ria signalled at him to shut up. Ah.I ll put itaway for you, shall I?Ria handed over some packets, and Jerna stored the food in the cooler.It wasunnerving, seeing Sila looking so fragile.He expected Ria to fill him in later, but fornow, he concentrated on what he did best, making their guest feel comfortable andrelaxed, pampering her and coddling her because she clearly needed it.She didn t want to talk about the attack, and Jerna didn t need Ria s frantic hints toknow not to push.Instead, he steered the conversation onto when she was going to visitthe family in Pivineso again, how Neras would like that, and how both girls were doing.She seemed happy for him to blather on.So long as she didn t have to contribute, she wascontent to eat, drink and be waited on.It soon became clear she was in more pain than alittle alcohol could deal with, and after Ria insisted on dosing her with the strongestpainkillers he had to hand, she announced she was tired and asked if anyone would mindif she went to bed.Jerna rather thought that was the best possible place for her, andfussed about her as he would one of his daughters, until she was smiling a little.Sheaccepted a hug before closing the second bedroom s door, hopefully to get a decentnight s rest.Ria laid a finger on his lips to tell Jerna not to speak of the matter just yet. I need tocall Solmano.I ll use the other extension.We ll talk in the bedroom.Jerna nodded, wondering what was so sensitive about the situation, but trusting Ria sinstincts anyway.He cleaned up, tsked over the leftovers on Sila s plate and set the dirtydishes in the washer.He went into the bedroom and closed the door just as Ria laid downthe receiver. Right.Now what is going on, Riashe Kezime? Promise you ll keep your voice down and not get ridiculously angry? Me? What is this to do with me?  Nothing really, except that one of the suspects in the attack is Orlan. What? Did he  Ria waved at him to keep it down. If he hurt Sila, I ll.I ll. Heclenched his fists in frustration, trying to think of a suitable fate that was both legal andmoral that he could personally inflict. Did he really? No, of course not. Ria patted the bed, and Jerna came to sit by him. Sila s beengoing out with Orlan. Did you know about that? No.I m surprised he didn t mention it, but I certainly don t have any right to knowall his private affairs. Jerna gave him an old-fashioned look, though perhaps it wasn tfair to expect Ria would protect Sila from Orlan Gomici s predations. Look, he s only asuspect because of a couple of coincidences.No way is he the one who did it.She doesn teven think that.But I didn t want you exploding all over the place because she s upsetenough about it. You don t have much faith in me, do you?Ria slipped an arm around him and kissed his cheek. You re passionate andprotective, that s all. Stop trying to compliment your way out of the hole, you bastard, Jerna said, evenas Ria slipped a hand inside his shirt and made him tingle with pleasure. But if it s notOrlan, who did it? Why would anyone want to kill Sila? I really have no idea, and neither does Solmano.He wanted her to stay away fromthe office.I convinced him that she needs to keep working, but until we have a hint as towho or why, she ll be closely protected.Someone will have to make sure she saccompanied to and from work, Solmano insists she s not to leave the building while onduty, and she ll have to stay here or somewhere similar. Here, Jerna said firmly. We owe her, Ria. Yes, we do.Thank you, my love.I know it s a nuisance. No.It s the right thing to do.We can still have sex, though.Right?Ria grinned and kissed him. Certainly.But I might have to gag you.You re noisy. You re provoking, Jerna said, but smiled in return. She really could have beenkilled.Look at her face, her neck.Who uses a garrotte anyway? It s a Contanzi weapon, which is why Orlan s under suspicion.It s primarily aweapon of vengeance, but some criminals use them just because they like to see theirvictims die. Jerna shuddered, revolted at the image. There might be a connection toOrlan, even if he s not the perpetrator.I wish I could call him, but I need to keep my noseout of this, at least for now. Feel familiar? Jerna said, stroking his lover s cheek. A bit.Anyway, we ve done all we can tonight, and I still want my evening with you, what s left of it.So prepare yourself, slave.And tonight, you ll just need to be very,very quiet. Or you ll punish me? Jerna said innocently. Not much incentive, master.Ria rolled his eyes. Why in the name of the Goddess did I take you on? hemuttered. Because you have a soft spot for the weak and helpless?Ria snorted. You.Helpless.Of course.Slave, you re not naked.Remedy that now.Jerna stood and bowed in his most respectful manner. Yes, master. One couldtease one s beloved only so far. Chapter 9 Lady s tits, Sila.What happened to you? Kev rushed up to her and took her bagfrom her, then gently tilted her chin to look at the already spectacular bruising. Did thatbastard  No, she said irritably, knocking his hand away. Someone tried to kill me lastnight.He looked at her in astonishment, but to his credit, didn t make any of the usualidiotic exclamations. Who? Why? No idea.Can I sit down?He took her arm, which should have annoyed her more than it did, and led her overto her own desk, then perched on the edge. Spill. Last night, outside my building.Someone tried to garrotte me.I don t know who,they were wearing a mask, and I have no idea why.Goddess, I need a coffee. Let me.Is that all you need? She nodded and he walked off.Some of the others inthe office were looking her way, but she glared at them and no one came near her, forwhich she was grateful.Kev was almost more than she could stand, but she couldn texactly ignore everybody at work.She looked appalling.She d contemplated trying tocover it up with makeup but then wondered why should she bother.She broke down and took out a pill from the supply Ria had pressed on her beforeshe d left his apartment.Her bruises throbbed, and the knot on the back of her head hadstopped her sleeping much.Kev returned with the coffee and watched her swallow the painkiller withoutcommenting [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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