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.For Latinos and blacks, the law’s prohibitions on full political engagement for prisoners and parolees through felon disfranchisement and census residency rules exacerbate and prove these observa-aiwan eBook Consortions.The additional, unnecessary, and unwise legal restrictions on the licensureTof many professions and trades to former prisoners in urban America adds to this continuum by destroying hope for civic engagement as a rehabilitative tool for formerly incarcerated Latinos.At the heart of change is the threat of power, taken and realized, not merely demanded.Recognizing that Latino collective political strength requires a look at the “punishment industry” and its legacy in our streets today is step that all Latinoveconnect.com - licensed toinstitutions, activists, academics, and leaders must take in order to wield the political power needed to achieve social justice.palgraom wwwNotes1.Voting Rights Act, 42 U.S.C.§ 1971, et seq.(1965).2.Canada: Suave v.Canada (Chief Electoral Officer, 3 S.C.R.519, 2002 SCC 68; 2002); South Africa: Minister of Home Affairs v.National Institute for Crime Prevention andyright material frReintegration of Offenders (CCT 03/04; 2004); Israel: Hilla Alrai v.Minister of the Inte-Coprior (HC 2757/96; 1996); Europe: Hirst v.United Kingdom (Hirst No.2).3.Suave v.Canada (Chief Electoral Officer), 3 S.C.R.519, 2002 SCC 68, para.58 (2002).4.Partido Socialista Puertorriqueño v.Comisión Estatal de Elecciones y Administrador General de Elecciones, 80 JTS 92 [p.1738] citing 16 L.P.R.A.3052 to 3242 as amended by Ley Núm.3 of September 8, 1980.See also Daniel Rivera Vargas (2004).5.See the Community Service Society of New York (CSS) Web site, http://www.cssny.org (accessed January 19, 2009).6.As Walker et al.(2004), conclude, any data on Latinos in the criminal justice system must be interpreted with caution because Latinos are specifically undercounted and 10.1057/9780230101470 - Behind Bars, Edited by Suzanne Obolerpal-oboler-06.indd 145pal-oboler-06.indd 1459/15/09 1:22 PM9/15/09 1:22 PM146 JUAN CARTAGENAreported as white in general.Marc Mauer (2007) notes that eleven states fail to report data on the number of incarcerated Latinos.7.For example, a recent and comprehensive state-by-state digest of Latino political issues, The Almanac of Latino Politics, is silent on the effects felon disfranchisement on Latino voting strength (United States Hispanic Leadership Institute).8.Richardson v.Ramirez, 418 U.S.24 (1974).9.Richardson v.Ramirez, 418 U.S.24, 82-83 (1974).10.The only exception is Johnson v.Bush, 405 F.3d 1214 (11th Cir.; 2005) brought only on behalf of African American voters in Florida.11.Farrakhan v.Washington, 338 F.3d 1009 (9th Cir.; 2003).12.Hayden v.Pataki, 449 F.3d 305 (2nd Cir.2006).13.New Jersey State Conference NAACP v.Harvey, 885 A.2d 445 (N.J.Super A.D.2005).14.See http://www.aclu.org/votingrights/exoffenders/ (accessed February 26, 2008).15.U.S.Census Bureau, Decennial Management Division Glossary.http://www.censusveConnect - 2011-05-06.gov/dmd/www/glossary.html#U (accessed April 24, 2008).16.Burns v.Richardson, 384 U.S.73, 92 (1966).algra17.Huling (2002), 211.tium - P18.The Census Bureau reports that Harris County was 33 percent Latino in 2000, while Dallas County was 29 percent Latino in 2000.U.S.Census Bureau, Census 2000 Summary File (SF-1).19.N.Y.Const.Art.II, § 4.20.N.Y.Correction Law § 750.aiwan eBook ConsorTReferencesCadora, Eric.2007.Justice Mapping Center Study for Mayor’s Commission on Poverty.http://www.justicemapping.org.Cartagena, Juan.2008.“Voting Rights in New York City 1982–2006”Southern California Review of Social Justice 17:2, 501-576.veconnect.com - licensed toCartagena, Juan, Janai Nelson, and Joan Gibbs.2003.Felons and the right to vote.http://www.gothamgazette.com (accessed October 23, 2006).palgraClear, Todd R.2002.The problem with “addition by subtraction”: The prison-crime relationship in low-income communities.In Invisible Punishment: The Collateral Conse-om wwwquences of Mass Imprisonment, ed.Marc Mauer and Meda Chesney-Lind 181-193.New York: New Press.Davis, Angela Y.2003.Are prisons obsolete.New York: Seven Stories.Demeo, Marisa J., and Steven A.Ochoa.2003.Diminished voting power in the Latino community: The impact of felony disenfranchisement in ten targeted states.Washington, D.C.:yright material frMexican American Legal Defense & Educational Fund.CopDeSipio, Louis.2005.Latino voters: Lessons learned and misunderstood.In The unfinished agenda of the Selma-Montgomery voting rights march, ed.the editors of Black issues in higher education, with Dara N.Byrne, 135–142.Landmarks in civil rights history.Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley.Fannie Lou Hamer, Rosa Parks, and Coretta Scott King Voting Rights Reauthorization and Amendments Act of 2006, 42 U.S.C.§ 1973b(a)(7), (8) (2006).Freeman, Richard.2003.Can we close the revolving door? 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