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.These men.and a few women.are backed by federal police forces and appear tohave the duty of insuring that the orders of the White House are enforced."Page 95 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlJuani gave a smile that was perhaps slightly out of place."It seems thatWashington does not trust its own army.Kind of makes you wonder whether, ifWashington doesn't trust the armed forces, perhaps just maybewe can."Most of the legislators joined Juani's smile at the jest.Imogene merelylooked furious.Juani took a deep breath, steeling herself.The next part was going to bedifficult.She pushed a button on the podium.The symboled map disappearedleaving a blank screen in its wake."Did you ever notice how, when Somali kids are starving, the papers andtelevision screens are full of pitiful pictures? Did you ever notice how, whenKurdish kids are driven from their homes you can hardly pick up a magazinewithout being bombarded with big, innocent eyes? A California girl getskidnapped and murdered and the media pastes her picture across the nation."Why do you suppose we've never seen a single picture of any of the kidsburned alive in Waco?" She tapped the button on the podium once again and thescreen behind her lit with a portrait of a smiling littleMexican girl.Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html"That's Josefina Sanchez." Juani tapped the button again and the screen split.On the right side appeared the obscenely charred corpse of a very smallperson, curled into a fetal position and holding a smaller bit of once-humancharcoal between arms and chest.The legislators groaned."That is also Josefina Sanchez.In her arms is a little baby.what isleft of one.named Pedro."A tap of the button and the picture zoomed in to focus on the little shriveledbundle that had been found wrapped in Josefina's arms.Another tap and itfocused further onto Pedro's face, little carbonized teeth faintly visibleinside a burned and distorted mouth, empty eye sockets staring from blackenedface.Again she tapped the button and a full color picture of Pedro at his firstbirthday party appeared on the right side of the screen.Thank God I didn't let Elpi come to this and told Mario not to let her near atelevision or computer, thought Juani, fighting down her own gorge.Juani continued to tap, interspersing normal pictures with pictures of therecovered, charred bodies.At each she announced a name, "Maria Ramirez, agednine.Pablo Trujillo, aged eleven.Peter Smith, aged eleven.Colleen Drysdale, aged ten.Katherine Collins, aged eleven.DavidRobles."About halfway through there was the sound of someone wretching."You have no right," shouted Imogene."You have no right to show us thesethings.It isn't decent."Juanita scowled."No right, Imogene? No one had a right to do to these kids what was done to them.And you don't have a right to bury your head in the sand and ignore what wasdone to them.Admit it, that's the real crime in your mind.Not the killings,but upsetting you Bitch.""Enough, anyway," Juani continued."The rest of the pictures wouldn't show youall anything you don't know now."But you all needed to see whyI decided to resist.It wasn't my brother and it wasn't even that.that.that bastard of a 'United States Commissioner for the State of Texas,'Forsythe, thatWashington stuck me with.It wasn't the taxes and it wasn't the jobs and itwasn't even over the control they were taking in the schools."I just don't want to live, don't want any of our people to have to live,Page 96 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlunder a government that will do this; murder a bunch of kids then wrap itself in a shroud of sanctimonioushypocrisy and pretend nothing ever happened."One last thing before I go: we are about to be invaded.Washington will nodoubt decide to call it something else.but an invasion is what it is.Iam not going to ask every Texan to fight the invasion.In fact, except forthose many thousands who have joined our National Guard and State DefenseForce, Iam going to ask the rest of the state not to fight."But I am going to ask, in fact I am going to beg of the people here in Texasand elsewhere in theUnited States do not fight.but do not cooperate.Block roads, interferewith supply columns, stop trains, swarm over airfields.In short, make thisinvasion impossible to supply and federal control impossible to maintain."If you will do this, I think we can win."* * *Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlMatamoros, MexicoHanstadt never did quite buy in to the whole nonviolent civil disobedienceidea.It just wasn't in his nature.He measured things materially; so manyguns, so many tons of rations, so many artillery shells.so much X.so many Y.That was what made him a prize as Schmidt's G-4 and something of acipher for the governor's other plans."How many shells did you say came with those things?" he asked, pointing afinger at a passing CONEXon its way to Camp Bullis [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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