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. Yes, Mom, Patrick said, joining the rest of the family again.Hisdad passed around glasses, giving Patrick two.He crossed the room tothe chair by the fire where Sister Mary Joseph sat enthroned.He dspent his entire life in awe and not a little fear of the tiny woman whowore the mantle of authority because of her religious vocation. Here you go, Sister, he said, offering her the glass. The firstpour from the new bottle of Midleton. Thank you, Patrick, she answered, her voice still strong despitethe frailty of her hand compared to Patrick s as she took the glass. Blessings on us all. She raised the Waterford tumbler and took asmall sip. Amen, Patrick replied, taking a sip from his own glass as hesaid another silent prayer for Alexei s safety.On impulse, he laid hishand over his great-aunt s. I have a colleague, a friend as well, whoneeds all the blessings he can get right now.He helped me out on acase and is in hiding because of it.I hoped you might say a few prayersfor him when you think about it.Slender, wrinkled fingers closed around his, holding his handbetween both of the nun s. I would pray for anyone in such a situation,but especially because he is special to you, I will pray for your Alexeigladly. She squeezed Patrick s hand before releasing it. Have faith inthe Lord, and in your friend. Thank you, Patrick said, his voice hoarse.He should haveknown better than to try to hide anything from the wily old nun.Herbody might show her age, but her mind was as sharp as ever. I mtrying, but it s hard some days.Especially on days like today when heshould be here and he can t be. Don t let regret for what you don t have ruin your appreciationfor what you have, his great-aunt said, patting his cheek. Remember and give thanks for the time you had together.I suspect your friend isdoing the same.Patrick was sure his cheeks were as bright as the stockingshanging from the mantle.He could deal with gun-waving criminals andslimy crime lords without blinking an eye, but thinking about sex in thecompany of his great-aunt was too much for his composure.He wassure she d laugh at him if he said that aloud, but it didn t change hisdiscomfiture. I hope he is.The twinkle in Sister Mary Joseph s eyes made Patrick suspectshe understood the reason for his flushing, but before she could sayanything, his mother tapped him on the shoulder. Can I steal Patrickfrom you for a moment, Sister? she asked. I need someone tall in thekitchen to put some of the platters away.Patrick knew an excuse to get him alone and grill him when heheard one, but since the alternative was staying with Sister MaryJoseph and letting her grill him, he d take his chances with his mother.Following her into the kitchen, he started on the platters immediately.As the tallest of his family, it had been his job since he was fifteen. Goahead and ask, Mom, he said as he put the first one away. I ll tell youwhat I can, but there will be some things I just can t talk about. Does he make you happy, Patrick? she asked softly as shehanded him another dish. I can t tell if you re sad because he s goneor because you have doubts about being with him. When we re together, I m the happiest I ve ever been, Patrickreplied honestly. I don t doubt our feelings for each other, just thesituation we re in.He s been in so much danger for so long.I don tknow if it ll ever be safe to really be together.He could practically feel his mother holding back the questionsshe knew Patrick couldn t answer. Tell me a little about Alexei.Whatkind of man is he? He s Russian, Patrick said, putting away the remaining plattersand sitting down at the table across from his mother. He.he s a goodman who maybe made some mistakes and maybe did some things Iwish he hadn t had to, but he never passes a church without lighting acandle to St.Michael, and he risked his life to save mine. That alone is enough to make me love him already. His motherstretched her hands across the table to take Patrick s. I know youcould never fall in love with someone who wasn t a good person at heart.Once you hear from Alexei again, I know you might not be ableto bring him home to meet us right away, but let him know he willalways be welcome here. Thanks, Mom, Patrick said. I should have brought him a longtime ago, but things were complicated and, well, it s not like I m downhere every weekend.But I ll tell him, and someday I ll bring him tomeet everyone.He might change his mind about me after beingoverwhelmed by everyone, but I know you d all love him too. Are you implying that meeting your family is more frighteningthan risking his life for you? His mother smiled. We may be loud andteasing and exuberant, but if he s smart enough to fall in love with you,I m sure your Alexei will be able to cope with us. She stood andkissed the top of Patrick s head, ruffling his hair. You need a haircut.Now come back into the parlor and have another glass of your father swhiskey.It s not good for him to drink too much of it himself [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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