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.processtext.com/abclit.htmlbe using power to hold himself away from it.At the moment of release he would have to deal with theresultant inertia, the equivalent of a planet's centrifugal thrust.The second thing Cemp did was more subtle, but he did it at the same instant.He tried logic of levels onthe one behavior that he had now belatedly noticed in the Nijjan.And because he wasn't sure it would work and didn't want to give away what, until now, had been ahuman-Silkie secret, he hoped the gravity release would confuse the great being who had come into thistrap with such total confidence in his own ability against Silkies.He hoped it would confuse the Nijjan,render him momentarily vulnerable, and, somehow, prevent disaster.The behavior Cemp believed he had observed was  the creature was manifesting the famous betrayalpattern.From the point of view of logic of levels, it was a minor event in the brain.Since it was the basic winningcycle of life, nothing decisive could be done against it.By triggering it, he could force the Nijjan to winmore  which was ironic and could lead to unknown consequences.But it was the only openingavailable.Three things happened at the same moment.The molecule released; the betrayal cycle triggered; andCemp entered the path of the energy beam that created the larger pyramid.He felt a sensation different from anything he had ever experienced.Under him and around him, thetrapship.vanished.He perceived that he was in a strange.not place, for there was nothing.But.what'?XXVIN A GROUP, only the leader can betray.And he must betray, or be ready to betray, or there is noIgroup.Everyone else has to conform, fit in, follow the rules, be a supporter without qualifications; even to thinkan objection is wrong.You must swear fealty to the leader 'without mental reservations.' You must support the code and,ideally, report to the leader's police any deviations from it on the part of others and on the part ofyourself.At any moment for the good of the group  by the leader's judgment alone  you can be betrayed(sacrificed) without any other explanation being required.Periodically, you or some other conformist must be betrayed as a matter of policy, even if you have notdeviated from the code by any previously applied standard of judgment.The leader's act of betraying you of itself makes you guilty.Immediately every other person in the groupmust disconnect from you without mental reservations.The rule of betrayal by the leader alone applies under any group system, including the elective  where Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlthe leader's immediate aides are his group.As a group grows larger, the leader delegates his betrayal rights to unevenly qualified persons who act inhis name.Where this process of delegation continues and expands, there are alleviations because notevery subleader is as sensitive to the danger of nonconformism as the leader is.But the leader who can read minds and who utilizes the betrayal cycle through a remorselesspolice-control method can remain leader.forever.Thus, betrayal consistently applied, wins at all levels; and the highest level is.For Cemp, a combination event was occurring.He felt as if someone with whom he was in a kind oftotal telepathic communication was small.So small.Or  a sudden puzzlement struck him  was he, infact, very large? Incredibly large  larger than the universe?.The being whose thoughts Cemp wasreceiving rejected the concept of vastness.It was more comfortable to feel.small.Satisfied that he was a mere point, the being considered what he mightbecome.He thought, and Cempreceived the thought along with the awareness,N'Yata will be pleased that I am having this moment ofnearultimate reality.At his stage of development, he could expect to hold on for only a brief time, aligning what was possiblefor him, setting up as many of the golden lights as he could in the time available.Mustn't waste asecond.One by one the being, himself so small, discharged even tinier bits of the smallness into the dark.Eachbit was hard to push away, as if its attachment to him, or consanguinity, prevented it from departing toany distance.The first few yards were tremendously hard, the first miles hard, the first light-yearsprogressively easier, the distance of a galaxy like wafting a feather into a whirlwind.And the darklight-years beyond seemed almost barrierless.Suddenly, one of the points he had thus put out attracted the being's attention.He thought,No, oh, no, Imustn't [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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