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.He's made sixty?Page 268 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlWood?""Sixty-four, sir," Wood said."Sixty-four HALO's," Mac said."Strange, Lieutenant," Lowell said."You don't look insane.""It's a very interesting capability, Colonel," Lieutenant Wood said.About which, beyond any question, I am about to learn more than I really careto know, Lowell thought.Hanrahan put that into words: "After lunch, Craig, I'll have Charley brief youand run you through the training program.""Show me the program, you mean," Lowell said."Running me through it' has anentirely different connotation."Lunch was mostly pleasant.Lowell really liked Roxy MacMillan and was fond ofPatricia Hanrahan.But neither was pleased with his solution his having landedat Fayetteville and rented a car and a motel room to the problem of whosefeelings would be hurt if he spent the night with somebody else.And RoxyMacMillan, who was still angry about the way Tom Ellis's father had gonethrough his BOQ "like a vacuum cleaner," talked about that."I'm not sure if I should call up Dianne Eaglebury and ask her down for aweekend or whether that would be opening the wound again," Roxy said."Leave her alone," Mac said."She's lost a brother and a boyfriend.If youwere her, would you want to come down here?""I didn't ask you," Roxy said."Mac is right, Roxy," Lowell said.Roxy thereupon announced that she would get some steaks and call Toni Parker,and they would have a barbeque."Can I ask somebody?" Lowell asked.There was no way out.Refusing Roxy wouldhurt her feelings, and he was us willing to do that, no matter what the damageto his seduction of the lady shrink."I'm afraid to ask who," Roxy said."But I will.""A doctor I know at the hospital," Lowell said."Who is he?""He's a her," Lowell said."Sure," Roxy said."She's a shrink," Lowell said."She can ask Charley Wood what has driven himto jump out of an airplane at twenty thousand feet sixty-four times."Thirty-thousand feet, Colonel," Wood corected him.They call it jump pay.Lowell chuckled.Now after having been around him a little, he liked thestarchy little West Pointer."Are you making your paratrooper cracks again?" Roxy said."Don't you everPage 269 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlknock it off?""Only when I am offering observations about people who wear girl scout hats,"Lowell said."Well, we're all sick of that too, Lover-Boy," Roxy said."Knock it off.""When Tom's girl came to the hospital," Patricia Hanrahan said, "she had madehim a doll with a green beret.""Oh, hell," Roxy said."Let's change the subject," General Hanrahan said."Think of something funny," Roxy said."Like throwing Lowell out of an airplane?" Mac said."That's funny," General Hanrahan said.The idea has a certain appeal.""Is there any way I could see my cousin without causing any trouble?" Lowellasked."He finishes McCall today," Mac said.They get their berets tomorrow.Beingthe louse that you are, you could and probably will see him when they come infrom McCall.If you were a nice guy, you'd go to the graduation parade andleave him alone tonight.""What's wrong with tonight?" Roxy asked."What the hell, bring him to thesteak broil.""No, Roxy," Mac said."Why not? I mean after all he's family.I remember when you brought PFC Lowellto a steak broil in Bad Nauheim.""I was ordered to," Mac said."General Porky Waterford ordered me to.""So order him, General," Roxy said."No, Roxy," Mac repeated."Why not?" Roxy demanded."Because tonight they let them go," Mac said."Tonight they have a few beersand chase girls.He don't want to be with a bunch of officers and theirwiyes.""I hate to say this, but he's right again, Roxy," Lowell said."Maybe I canbuy him lunch tomorrow.""Well, okay," she said, genuinely disappointed.From 1415 until 1730, with time out only for a telephone call to Toni Parkerto make sure that she would bring Dr.Gillis with her to the MacMillans,Lieutenant Colonel Lowell was briefed by First Lieutenant Charley Wood on HALOoperations, techniques, and capabilities.Lieutenant Wood was indeed an experton High-Altitude, Low-Opening parachute techniques and seemed possessed by aburning desire to impart all that he knew to Lieutenant Colonel Lowell.He didindeed learn a good deal more than he wanted to know,Page 270 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlSome of it he found interesting.He had had no idea how great a distance HALOparachutists could move over the ground.The special parachutes were in factmore like an inefficient wing than a parachute.They could achieve speedsapproaching twenty miles per hour in a chosen direction across the ground asthe parachutist descended.They could, in other words, be dropped well within friendly lines and landwell inside enemy territory.That was an interesting capability.And accordingto Wood, they really could, with a little practice, landin an area the size ofa pickle banul.There were many interesting military applications of thatcapability, and by the time the briefing session was over, Lowell foundhimself paying rapt attention to what Wood told him.He had believed his enforced familiarity with HALO was nothing more than apointed lesson from Bill Roberts that one should be very carefui what one saidabout parachutists in the presence of a general officer who happened to be adistinguished parachutist.That belief changed.When Lieutenant Wood told him that a HALO was scheduled the next morning andthat he could actually watch them jump, he quickly accepted the offer.The steak broil was very pleasant [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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