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.I thought about your family.""When are you going to be in the States?""We're catching a plane to San Francisco in the morning.We ought to be inthere tomorrow night sometime."Page 152 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"What are you going to do in San Francisco?""You're not going to believe this, but they're sending me on a war bondtour.""Why shouldn't I believe it? Jimmy Ward's been on one.""Yeah, I forgot.Where is he?"Jimmy Ward was First Lieutenant James G.Ward, USMCR, Carolyn Ward McNamara'snephew.Jimmy Ward had brought then Technical Sergeant Galloway to hisparents' home, where Aunt Carolyn had first met Sergeant Galloway.Jimmy Wardwas thus responsible for substantially changing her life.Who the hell cares where Jimmy is?Carolyn thought furiously."Right now he's in Washington," she said."Tell me about the war bond tour.Where are you going to be?""I don't know.We're supposed to get a ten-day leave before it starts, and Ithought maybe I could come to see you."There you go again! You thoughtmaybeyou could come to see me? Goddamn you,Charley!"Tell me something, Charley," Carolyn said."Do you love me? Or are you justlining up the standard Marine Corps girl in every port?""You don't have to ask that!""Yes, I do, damn you, Charley!""What are you mad about?""Can you say those three words or not?""Sure I can say them.But there are people here, Carolyn.""I don't care who's there!""Yeah, sure, Carolyn.""Wrong three words.""Jesus Christ! All right." Captain Galloway's voice dropped ten decibels."Ilove you."It was very faint, but it was enough."I love you, too, Charley.""Yeah.""You're going to San Francisco? And then you'll be on leave?""Right.""Charley, when you get to San Francisco, you go to the hotel.""What hotel?"Page 153 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"How many hotels have we been in together in San Francisco?" "We probablycouldn't get a room in there, Carolyn," he said first, and then understoodwhat she was saying."You want to come all the wayout here?""Get a room for us, Charley," she said."I'll meet you there.""And if I can't?""Then sit in the damned lobby and wait for me.""How long will it take you to get there?""I don't know.Two or three days.I'm leaving right now.""What time is it where you are?""Almost midnight.""It's ten to five in the afternoon here.You mean you'll leave in themorning?""No.I mean I'm going to get up and get dressed and leave right now.That'swhat you do when you love somebody.""Carolyn, you don't have to do that.""Just get us a room, my darling," Carolyn said."I'll see what I can do.""Get us a room, Charley.Wait for me," Carolyn said, and hung up.[FOUR]Muku Muku2235 Hours 20 October 1942Lieutenant Carol Ursery, Nurse Corps, USNR, fresh from a shower, walked overto a full-length mirror and looked at herself.She was wearing a set of men'spajamas and a terry bathrobe with a P & FE insignia embroidered on the breast,and a puffy towel was turbaned about her head.But she didn't pay muchattention to any of that.because what she saw in that big mirror was onevery confused human being.Too much was going on around her this evening.Andinside her.especially inside her.She was all in a swirl.There had to be an explanation for all that, and the most logical one wasalcohol.She had had more to drink since coming to Muku Muku than she couldever remember having at one time in her life.Not as much as poor Flo.Flo really got plastered.Page 154 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlUnderstandable, of course.Flo had learned all at once that her man-herhusband-had come through Guadalcanal intact, was on his way to Pearl Harbor,and that he'd been promoted to master gunner.It wasn't just a promotion.Witha bar on his collar rather than stripes on his sleeve, Flo and her husbandwould no longer have to hide from the Navy the very fact of their marriage.Officer-enlisted marriages were forbidden.All the same, Carol didn't think it likely that the Navy would court-martiala nurse who'd earned on December 7th both the Purple Heart for wounds and theSilver Star for valor, no matter what she did.But there would still have beenserious trouble for both of them if it came out they had defied Navyregulations and gotten married.I wonder if they'll have to get married again, or whether they can justconfess they've been married all along?Flo would probably have had too much to drink in any event.even if thatnice old Denny the Steward and his assistants hadn't passed out liquor as ifthe one who passed out the most would get a prize.Everybody got drunk, even that nice Colonel Dawkins, and she didn't think hewas the type who got drunk very often.And while they were throwing it back,they talked about Guadalcanal, even the Colonel.Carol had never heard anyonewho'd been there talk about it.She suspected they didn't like to do that infront of people who hadn't been there.in front of people-women,especially-who wouldn't understand.But Flo was different.Flo was a regularNavy nurse; and her husband was a regular Marine who'd been a flying sergeantprobably before Pick Pickering and Billy Dunn were born.They could talk infront of her, she was one of them.And after a while, when they all gotdrunker, they seemed to forget about Carol Ursery.or at least that CarolUrsery wasn't one of them.She heard things about Billy Dunn that she had a hard time believing, to lookat him.He was a double ace.He'd shot down ten Japanese airplanes.Nobodywould believe that, to look at him.He looked like a boy.And Pick Pickering, who came across initially as such a wise-ass: He wasn'tthat way, really.He told Colonel Dawkins he was going to turn in his wingsafter his buddy was hurt so badly-that poor kid wrapped up like a mummy inWard 9D.He told him he didn't want to fly anymore; that he was afraid.ButGalloway wouldn't let him.And then Captain Galloway, who was just as drunk as the others, said withgreat affection: "The truth, Colonel, is this sonofabitch can really fly; Icouldn't let him go; The Corps needs him."And she learned that Galloway had taken Pickering with him when they flew tosome Japanese-occupied island and rescued some people who were there reportingon Japanese aircraft movement.And that Billy Dunn had been the squadron commander while they were gone.Hereally looked like a college cheerleader, Carol thought.How could this kid bea Marine officer, much less a double ace and an acting squadron commander?The first time she saw him in the hospital, she actually thought that helooked like a cheerleader wearing his big brother's uniform.A drunken boy.And then she remembered that Billy didn't seem as drunk as the others, lateron.that he'd been quiet and thoughtful.They stopped dancing after ColonelPage 155 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlDawkins came.At the time, she was grateful; she thought she was probablygoing to have to fight him off, the way he was dancing so close to her.Especially early on, when he had an erection.But he was a perfect gentlemanabout that, Carol now recalled [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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