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.He realized his hand was open, palm up against the glass of the window.Below, because the Bears had not stood to join the lineup, the soldier raised his- 254 - cudgel and it came down on the skull of the cub.Fiyero's body jerked, he spilled hisdrink and the cup broke, porcelain shards on the buttery herringbone-laid oakflooring.The manager appeared from behind a green baize door and tutted, and twitchedthe drapes closed, but not before Fiyero had seen one last thing.Recoiling as if hehad never hunted and killed in the Thousand Year Grasslands, he averted his eyesand they wheeled upward, where he glimpsed the pale blond coins of faces-two orthree dozen schoolchildren in the upper windows of the school, staring down withfascination and open mouths at the scene in their playing field."They have no concern for neighbors who have a business to run,bills to pay, and loved ones to feed," snapped the manager."You don't need tosee those antics as you enjoy your coffee, sir.""The disruption in your winter garden," said Fiyero."That was someone trying tobreak down your wall into that yard, and get them out alive.""Don't even suggest it," shot the manager in a low voice."There are more ears inthis room than yours and mine.How do I know who was up to what, or why? I'm aprivate citizen and I mind my own business."Fiyero didn't take a replacement cup of cherry chocolate.There were rackingcries from the mother Bear, and then a silence in the world outside the heavy damaskdrapes.Was it an accident I saw that, Fiyero wondered, looking at the manager withnew eyes.Otis it just that the world unwraps itself to you, again and again, as soon asyou are ready to see it anew?He wanted to tell Elphie what he had seen, but he held back for reasons hecouldn't name.In some way, in the balance of their affections, he sensed she needed- 255 - an identity separate from his.Were he to become a convert to her cause, she mightdrift away.He did not dare to risk it.But the vision of the battered Bear cub hauntedhim.He held Elphie the tighter, trying to communicate a deeper passion withoutspeaking it.He noticed, too, that when she was agitated she was the more liberal in herlovemaking.He began to be able to tell when she was going to say "Not till nextweek." She seemed more abandoned, more salacious, perhaps as a cleansing exercisebefore disappearing for a few days.One morning, as he was stealing some of the cat'smilk for his coffee, she rubbed some oil on her skin, wincing with sensitivity, and saidover her shoulder of soft green marble, "A fortnight, my dear.My pet, as my fatherused to say.I need a fortnight of privacy now."He had a sudden pang, a premonition, that she was going to leave him.It was away for her to get two weeks' head start."No!" he said."That's not on, Fae-Fae.It's notall right, it's too long.""We need it." She expanded: "Not you and I, I mean the other we.Obviously Ican't tell you what we're about, but the last plans for the autumn campaign are fallinginto place.There's going to be an episode- I can't say more-and I must be available tothe network at all times.""A coup?" he said."An assassination? A bomb? A kidnapping? \Vhat?Just thenature of it, not the specifics, what?""Not only can I not tell you," she said, "I don't even know.I'll be told only my smallpart, and I'll do it.I only know it's a complicated maneuver with a lot of interlockingpieces.""Are you the dart?" he said."Are you the knife? The fuse?"- 256 - She said (though he wasn't convinced): "My deane, my poppet, I am too green towalk into a public place and do something bad.It's all too expected.Security guardswatch me like owls on a mouse.My very presence provokes alarm and heightenedvigilance.No, no, the part I'll play will be a handmaiden's part, a little assistance in theshadows.""Don't do it," he said."You're selfish," she said, "and you're a coward.I love you, my sweet, but yourprotests about this are wrongheaded.You just want to preserve my insignificant life,you don't even have a moral feeling about whether I'm doing right or wrong.Not thatI want you to, not that I care what you think about it.But I only observe, yourobjections are of the weakest sort.Now this isn't something to be argued.Two weeksfrom tonight, come back.""Will the-the action-be completed by then? Who decides?""I don't know what it is yet, and I don't even know who decides, so don't ask me.""Fae-" Suddenly he didn't like her code name anymore."Elphaba.Do you reallynot know who is pulling the strings that make you move? How do you know you'renot being manipulated by the Wizard?""You are a novice at this, for all your status as a tribal prince!" she said."Whyshouldn't I know if I was being a pawn of the Wizard? I could tell when I was beingmanipulated by that harridan, Madame Morrible.I learned something aboutprevarication and straight talking back at Crage Hall.Give me the credit for havingspent some years at this, Fiyero.""You can't tell me for sure who is or isn't the boss."- 257 - "Papa didn't know the name of his Unnamed God," she said, rising and rubbingoil on her stomach and between her legs, but modestly turning her back to him."Itnever is the who, is it? It's always the why.""How do you hear? How do they tell you what to do?""Look, you know I can't say.""I know you can."She turned."Oil my breasts, will you." "I'm not that stupidly male, Elphaba.""Yes you are"-she laughed, but lovingly-"come on."It was daylight, the wind roared and even shook the floorboards.The cold skyabove the glass was a rare pinkish blue.She dropped her shyness like a nightgown,and in the liquid glare of sunlight on old boards she held up her hands-as if, in theterror of the upcoming skirmish, she had at last understood that she was beautiful.Inher way.The collapse of her reticence frightened him more than anything else.He took some coconut oil and warmed it between his palms, and slid his handslike leathery velvet animals on her small, responding breasts.The nipples stood, thecolor flushed.He was already fully dressed, but recklessly he pressed himself againsther mildly resisting form.One hand slid down her back; she arched against him,moaning.But perhaps, this time, not from need?Still his hand moved down onto her buttocks, felt between her cheeks, beyond,felt the place one muscle pulled in crookedly, endearingly, felt the very faintestetching of hair beginning its crosshatch shadows, its swirl toward vortex.He workedhis intelligent hand, reading the signs of her resistance.- 258 - "I have four companions," she said suddenly, wrenching away in a motion softenough not to disengage but to discourage [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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