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.Some are given names such as `Hrunting',Unferð's sword, or `Nægling', Beowulf's sword.They are often heirlooms passed down from father toson, from king to retainer, or captured in battle.The runes or decorations on the hilts may represent a61story, such as the sword of Eotens that Beowulf retrieves from Grendel's lair and appears to tell the story of his origins(*XXIIII).While swords may be a symbol of worthiness and power, they can also incite fury for revenge.Beowulf's prediction ofdisaster for the marriage between Freawaru and Ingeld is based on the importance of swords to the honour of individualwarriors and their clan (*XXXVIII‐XXXX).`Heald þu nu, hruse, nu hæleð ne moston, eorla æhte!'The poem begins with the gilded Heorot ‐‐ a palace only possible through many years of peace of tribesman collectingtreasures ‐‐ and ends with Beowulf's death in front of the dragon's barrow where a long dead tribe had buried theirtreasure.The poem describes a culture so deeply connected to its material goods that they bury it along with their dead.There is an understanding that with the gold goes a balance of power, and when a powerful (read rich) leader dies, toredistribute his gold irresponsibly would be an imbalance of power.The Geats' reburial of the gold in Beowulf's funeralmound indicates a kind of despair: the gold can do them no good without a king to distribute it [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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