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.Russ lifted his head away and staredfor a few seconds before sucking on the other tight little bud. Damned if you aren t as sexy as hell. Me? Peter gasped. You re damned right, you! Russ growled as he kissed andsucked a trail across Peter s chest and down his stomach,accompanied by small flutters and gasps.All Peter s noises stopped,and Russ looked up to make sure everything was okay.What he sawwas Peter staring wide-eyed, holding his breath.Smiling evilly, Russpursed his lips and ran them down Peter s cock.As soon as hetouched Peter, a high-pitched whine filled the room.Russ moved hishead back and forth, sliding his lips up and down the thick shaftbefore slipping Peter s cock between his lips.He could almost feel thebreath whoosh out of Peter s body as Peter s flavor burst onto histongue. Russ.That s so damn good! Peter sputtered through shortpanting breaths.Russ hummed softly around Peter s cock, taking as much as hecould.Peter was not a small man, and Russ took all he could beforelicking the man like a lollipop.With every touch, Peter s noises grewlouder and more frantic.Russ knew it wouldn t be long, and hestopped. Russ! Peter groaned.  It s too soon, Russ soothed, bringing their lips together again.Russ could tell Peter was aching to take charge of things, it waswritten all over his face, and so was frustration. Do you have stuff?Russ asked, and Peter tilted his head toward the table.Russ openedthe drawer and saw what looked like a fresh package of condoms. Just hoping, Peter explained, and Russ smiled.Opening thepackage, Russ rolled a condom down Peter s shaft before straddlinghis lover s body.Popping open the lube, Russ slicked Peter beforepreparing himself.Getting into position, Russ gripped Peter s shaftand slowly lowered his body.Peter was big, Russ knew that, but he felt as though he d gottenlarger in the last ten seconds as he entered Russ s body.Closing hiseyes and trying to breathe, Russ stopped and waited, letting his bodyadjust before taking Peter deeper.The lube bottle dropped away, andRuss hadn t even realized he d still been holding it until he heard itthunk on the floor.He felt Peter s hands on his thighs, stroking andsoothing.Russ sighed loudly when he felt Peter s hips against his butt. You feel like a furnace, Peter told him.Russ thought of saying something about beer cans, but then feltPeter move and jolt inside him, and his entire body exploded withtingles of pleasure. Never felt so full, Russ gasped as he slowlylifted his body up before sliding back down Peter s cock.Damn, theman was a god, and every time he moved, Peter brushed over thatspot deep inside.After a few strokes, Russ was seeing stars.As hecontinued, he forgot his own name and Peter s.Soon they werebouncing on the bed, Peter thrusting into him, and Russ makingsounds he didn t think were humanly possible. Fuck, you reunbelievable, Russ said, but it might have come out as totalgibberish, he wasn t really sure, and Peter didn t seem to be faringmuch better in the coherence department either.The only coherentthought Russ clung to was not to hurt Peter; everything else was ablur.Russ felt his own cock slapping his belly, and then Peter sfingers circled him, stroking and gripping.The increased ecstasy threatened to overwhelm him, but he rode it out with Peter and he hadno intention of stopping.Russ lifted and descended more times thanhe could count, driving himself onto Peter s shaft, taking him deep.His head throbbed, and every muscle and nerve in his body seemed onhyperdrive. I can t last! Peter cried through gritted teeth. Don t.Take me with you, Russ answered through his haze ofpassion, and he felt Peter tense.With one final drive, Russ impaledhimself on Peter and felt the monster cock inside him pulse and throbas Peter cried out his release loud enough for half the town to hear.Somehow, Russ didn t follow.Instead, he stilled, watching Peterat his most entrancing as he totally went to pieces, soaking in everysensation.Once Peter stilled and caught his breath, Russ felt warm,firm fingers grip him, stroking strongly.Russ couldn t last long, heknew that, but he loved the feel of Peter touching him, so he held outas long as he could before coming in a mind-bending surge of sexualenergy.Russ rode out his release and basked in the shared glow withPeter before forcing his legs to work, lifting himself off Peter.They both gasped when their bodies disconnected, and Russhurried to the bathroom to get a cloth.After cleaning them, the fastestcleanup in history, Russ rested next to Peter, arms entwined, bodiespressed together.Russ felt happy, truly happy, for the first time in avery long time.Life had taught him not to take it for granted, so heheld Peter tight as they drifted to sleep, determined to hold on to whathe had for as long as he could. Chapter 7 OKAY.I know you can t make any promises, Peter said into theBluetooth connection in his car as he pulled up in front of theAcropolis. I appreciate your help. I have one more idea to try, Peter s lawyer said. I could keepgoing, but I don t see any reason to waste your money on a wildgoose chase.I ll call you by the end of the week whether I haveanything or not, and you can decide where you want to go fromthere. Thank you, Peter said before disconnecting the call.Threeweeks ago, he d engaged an attorney to try to help find his sister, buthe was not having much luck.Peter had set a limit on what he waswilling to try to spend, and after two weeks, the attorney had foundvery little.Short of having him traipse all around the western portionof the state looking for the adoption records, there wasn t much elsehe could do.The attorney had found the birth records in AlleghenyCounty, but the adoption records weren t there.His father couldn tprovide any more information, and short of a miracle, Peter wasbeginning to lose hope.He knew people searched for adoptivesiblings and birth parents for years and often came up empty, but he dreally been hoping to find his sister.Parking the car, Peter got out his chair and rolled up to the frontdoor of the restaurant, pulling it open before gliding inside. Whathappened? Peter gasped as he stared at piles of broken white chinaeverywhere.Russ stood in the center of the floor, looking at himopenmouthed.  I don t know, Russ said barely above a whisper. The policejust left, and they re trying to figure out who could have gotten inhere. Did they break anything else? Peter asked, imagining thenewly installed kitchen with all its equipment that would be hard toreplace.Russ shook his head [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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