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.Lance s mouth relaxed a little, and he even gave Matt a dry mini-smile. Okay, we re going with your gut on this, Matt.The retinalscans are inconclusive, but I had an interesting talk with Major GeneralSelkirk.Sounds like there s reason to justify the changes in Ayala sscans. What about the original contract request? SOUFCOM is investigating.Whoever generated the requestsomehow obscured their chip ID, and falsified the chip logs from bothArmySF SubCom and SOUFCOM.The report of Ayala s being aliveand just out of re-education supposedly originated with the BoulderBlue cell, but no one can substantiate that.I have more you need toknow, but first, I need to know Ayala s need-to-know. He s psychic.Kind of.And it was engineered by SOUF.I thinkit s just a Psi-force experiment. Matt kept his voice down.Jamescouldn t easily overhear, but Matt wasn t sure how comfortable he d be 78 Anne Teninowith the info being shared.Not that Matt would be able to avoid tellingJames he d shared it. Made escaping a little easier. Matt added when Lance justlooked at him blankly. I bet.I might have to bring Anais in on this, Matt.Although I mnot sure it makes a difference right now. We think it s why his retinal scans were fucked up.Theyimplanted some kind of sensory input organ in his head after he joinedPsi-force.Lance nodded slowly. Okay.Here s what you need to know:We re seeing massive militia movements on the OR-ID border,especially around the Ontario, Payette, Weiser, and Hells Canyoncrossing points. Someone leaked our routes. Matt felt a cold chill sweep throughhis abdomen.Gah. Not necessarily, Matt, although they shouldn t know whereyou re from, or where you re going.Your ID may be leaked the realor the forgery and they chose the obvious routes.You re going tohave to make it up as you go, son. Lance s eyes were very grave.Andworried.Good lord, his grandfather was calling him son.It had to be bad. There s more? Are you in the Emmett area? Lance wouldn t know, becausethey never reported an unsecured location in the Red unless it was anemergency.It was possible to triangulate his position from his signal,but hella hard to do in the amount of wave traffic around.Matt swallowed. How did you know? Most RIA troop movement is heading into that area.Lots ofprivate militia already there, but I can t tell who.They aren t trying tohide it, either moving fast.They really want this guy.Your only openflank is to the north.Great.The arid, rugged, mountainous flank.His leg gave apreemptive twinge. And I bet it s only open relative to the otherflanks. He really didn t need an answer to that. 18% Gray 79 You re certain about this Ayala? Lance asked again.This time,he was just being Matt s Grampa. Yes. Matt didn t hesitate.Lance sighed. One more thing.Ayala s father was told Jameswas MIA.This morning they sent someone to update him on Ayala sstatus.His father knows about the re-education camp, now.I know hewas in the closet in high school, so&.Matt winced. I ll talk to him.Thanks, Grampa. Check-in at your regular time tonight. The screen went blank.Shit.He and James had to talk.Matt put his leg back together andtrotted up to the dinosaur vehicle. See anything? Lots, James answered from under the truck.He didn telaborate, which Matt was okay with. So, we need to talk. Give me the quick and dirty.Matt let his mind go there, for just a split second.Sex under life-threatening conditions was always hot&. Um, they believe you reyou. Mostly. But that s the only good news.SOUFCOM sinvestigating who knew you were still alive to issue the contract requestand we ve been ratted out to the RIA, who has apparently shared theinfo with every private militia and wannabe in the state.They seem toknow where we are and where we re headed.Apparently, you re well-liked and no one wants to see you go. They find us together, they ll string us both up from the nearesttree. Probably not, actually.Probably they d just string Matt up.Jamesknew he was a high-value POW. Not a lot of trees in Idaho, anymore, Matt pointed out.Jamessnorted.It was a new one.It sounded a little disgusted.Matt mentallyfiled it in his growing lexicon.Snorticon.Whatever. There s more.Your father was given your current status thismorning, including the stint in re-education camp.James gave Matt a blank look. Doesn t matter. James  80 Anne Tenino Drop it, Matt.Let s just deal with now.You can bail.Theyaren t after you, right? Maybe you need to cover your own ass. I m not leaving you here by yourself; it s not in my jobdescription. I m serious. So am I [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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