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."Somebody Mort and Ralphfired at some time or other?""Pretty unlikely," Bert replied."I don't think they ever had more than twoPage 15 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlextra men-maybe three at a rush time like Christmas.I can't remember justwho's worked for them, but I know the Conners wouldn't ever hire a temporaryemployee without letting the man know ahead of time that it was a short-termjob.Of course there's Vic, their mechanic, who drives for them once in awhile.But he's been with them almost from the beginning and still is.Hewouldn't be fool enough to ruin the company and destroy his own job.""Still," Sandy said, "we might check with Ralph about that.There might besomebody they hired for a little while and then let go.Even if they thoughtthey'd made it clear that the job was temporary, the man himself36 THE CLUE OF THE PHANTOM CARmight not have understood-or might have had some special reason of his own notto like them.""People have done some pretty desperate things for revenge," Ken said."Evenwhen the reason seems small and unimportant to everybody else.If Ralph orMort ever complained about a man's work, or-"Hank stuck his head in the door again, this time waving a sheaf of proofsheets at Pop."How about an O.K.on these ads? Or have you given up the ideaof putting out a newspaper around here?"Pop took the sheets, muttering under his breath.He glanced through themrapidly, made several scrawled notations in the margins, and handed them back."Pull a new proof on the McGraw ad," he told Hank, "and then get his O.K.onit.""Check." Hank cast an aggrieved look at the boys."And when do you think wemight have the pictures of that playground dedication? And of Saturday night'saccident-if you're planning to run something on that?"Sandy grinned at him."You'll have them by three this afternoon, you old slavedriver.""I'll just keep my fingers crossed until then," Hank told him as he went backinto the shop.Pop swung purposefully toward his typewriter, and then turned back to Ken."Idon't know as we're getting anywhere with this discussion," he said."AndHank's right-we've got some work to do.But finish what you were saying whenhe came in, Ken.""Well," Ken said, "it's just that I agree with you when you said nobody in hisright mind would be likely to start a deliberate program of sabotage againstthe Con-ners.Certainly if we include Saturday night's accidentNO GLIMMER OF LIGHT 37in the picture, I'll agree that a man would have to be insane to head right ata big truck in the hope of driving it off the road.He was running too great arisk of committing suicide himself.""Exactly," Pop said."But I thought maybe there was such a person around here," Ken explained, "aperson so angry at the Conners that he was at least temporarily out of hismind."Bert too turned back to his typewriter."I'm afraid you're way off, Ken.Ifthere was anybody like that around, I think the Conners would have been awareof him, and on guard.""But, Bert," Sandy said argumentatively, "you can't be sure-can you?-thatthere isn't-""Look," Bert interrupted, "if you two are such smart detectives, go find thatcar that drove Ralph off the road.And stop-""Let's all stop.Right now." Pop's voice was firm."Sandy, you'd better getthose pictures ready for Hank.And, Ken, I'll need that dedication storypretty soon.We can theorize some more this evening, but right now I think alittle work is in order.""Sure, Pop." Sandy got to his feet.Ken, too, started obediently toward his own desk, but paused halfway."I'vejust got one more question," he said.There was a noise that sounded suspiciously like a snort of disdain from Bert.But Pop looked up patiently.Page 16 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"What's that, Ken?" he asked."Could it be that the Conner business is so valuable that somebody would go toall this trouble to get hold of it?"38 THE CLUE OF THE PHANTOM CAR"What do you mean?""Mort said someone wanted to buy it six months ago," Ken pointed out."Theboys wouldn't sell then.But now, because of everything that's happened,they'll have to sell.Maybe that was the motive behind this whole thing."Pop's grizzled brows knitted briefly and then straightened."I can't see itthat way," he said, shaking his head."Anybody who wanted to own a truckingbusiness could start one of his own.It would be cheaper-and a lot safer-thantrying to wreck somebody else's so he could buy it up.""I guess you're right."Bert's typewriter was already clattering.Ken moved on to his machine and satdown to go to work without another word.Sandy saluted him from the top of thecellar stairs and then disappeared toward his basement darkroom.Pop was busy reading proof when Ken finished his story, so Ken dropped thetyped sheets on Pop's desk and went downstairs to see how Sandy was comingalong.The big redhead answered Ken's knock and waited until the door was shutagain before he slid a new sheet of sensitized paper into the place beneaththe enlarger."Be through here pretty soon," Sandy muttered."You've still got plenty of time to meet your deadline [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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