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.If that experience turns out nicely, you can enter her inanother tournament, making sure to get her approval on it first.Iffile:///C|/Cafe/Bruce/bruce.htm (8 of 9) [04/22/2003 7:34:52 PM] The Q & A Waythere s any lingering doubt, talk it out with her to see what her fearsand reasons may be.If she agrees to play, enter her with the sameproviso, prepared to stop further entries if it turns out deleteriously.Ifshe s still adamantly against playing, I would accept that as the waythings are.You shouldn t impose your will on hers when to do somight inflict real damage.And over what, a chess tournament?Nonetheless, I recognize your concerns.It s extremely difficult for achild to succeed in a competitive world without intelligent parentalinvolvement and gentle pushing.There s always going to be someresistance to the threat of discomfit, even if the overall benefits mightoutweigh the slight difficulties.Still, you don t want to go too far andcause an emotional scar.But you sound like a sensitive and lovingparent, so I don t imagine that will happen.You have already setpriorities where they should be: maintaining her love of the game isparamount; embracing its competitive trappings is not.Copyright 2003 Bruce Pandolfini.All Rights Reserved.Yes, I have a question for Bruce![The Chess Cafe Home Page] [Book Reviews] [Bulletin Board] [Columnists][Endgame Studies][The Skittles Room] [Archives][Links] [Online Bookstore] [About The Chess Cafe] [Contact Us]Copyright 2002 CyberCafes, LLC.All Rights Reserved."The Chess Cafe®" is a registered trademark of Russell Enterprises, Inc.file:///C|/Cafe/Bruce/bruce.htm (9 of 9) [04/22/2003 7:34:52 PM] [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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