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.The he-avy re-in-for-ced po-lesthat held the fen-ce in pla-ce swa-yed un-der the for-ce of the-ir strug-gle to get in-si-de."Got so-me gas no one se-ems to be usin over in the ga-ra-ge, Wa-de of-fe-red.Within mi-nu-tes, Wa-de had a jury-rig-ged ho-se set up run-ning from the lar-ge fu-el tanks in-si-dethe ga-ra-ge.Troy and Ge-off hel-ped him drag it out and cut it on."Wee-freakin'-Hah! Troy bel-lo-wed as he held the ho-se's noz-zle, spra-ying down the rows ofpac-ked cre-atu-res and the fen-ce ali-ke. Anybody got a match?"Wade sho-ok his he-ad hol-ding a sil-ver Zip-po in his hand.He lo-oked at it sadly. This was myfa-vo-ri-te ligh-ter, he sa-id then flic-ked it lit, tos-sing it at the fen-ce.Howls and scre-ams ro-se up asa wa-ve of blue fla-me burst in-to exis-ten-ce and swept thro-ugh the ranks of the in-fec-ted.Ge-off hadshut off the ho-se and the three of them sto-od in si-len-ce.Black smo-ke drif-ted up-wards in-to thehe-avens and it was all Troy co-uld do not to vo-mit from the overw-hel-ming odor of bur-ning flesh."I don't be-li-eve it, Nat-ha-ni-al slum-ped over his com-pu-ter scre-en. What the hell do-es itme-an?"He and To-ni had be-en ab-le to tra-ce the so-ur-ce of the Fre-edom II's mes-sa-ge.It hadn't co-mefrom or-bit at all but rat-her so-mew-he-re in So-uth Ca-ro-li-na only a few hund-red mi-les away fromthe comp-lex."It me-ans Ian was right. Jeremy he-ard To-ni sob-bing. Oh God, she cri-ed, I am so sorry."Jeremy to-ok her in his arms. So-me-one out the-re whet-her it's tho-se cre-atu-res or not knowswe're he-re now.They know we're ali-ve and sa-ne.Wor-se, they know how many of us the-re are."Toni nest-led her fa-ce de-eper in-to his sho-ul-der and wept openly.Strings of te-ars and spit wetJeremy's shirt un-der her."What do we do now? Nat-ha-ni-al as-ked."We get re-ady, Jeremy grit-ted his te-eth. We get re-ady for who-ever or wha-te-ver's co-ming."Jeremy saw To-ni to her qu-ar-ters and got her set-tled, ur-ging her to get so-me rest and calm down.Then it was ti-me, he de-ci-ded, to pay a vi-sit to Ian's cof-fin".**** The do-ors of the lift ope-nedon-to the ar-mory le-vel.Jeremy had ne-ver be-en to this part of the ba-se be-fo-re and was ta-kenaback by the con-di-ti-on of the hal-lway.Un-li-ke the rest of Def Con, this part of the comp-lex hadn'tbe-en re-pa-ired sin-ce the bat-tle fo-ught he-re in the days af-ter the wa-ve.The ligh-ting was po-or asmany of the lights we-re shot out or flic-ke-red badly cas-ting eerie stro-bes along the me-tal walls.Thewalls them-sel-ves we-re scar-red by so-me kind of exp-lo-si-on as if so-me-one had set off agre-na-de in the pas-sa-ge-way.Spent shell ca-sings lit-te-red the flo-or as Jeremy ma-de his way to theend of the hall.The ent-ran-ce to the ar-mory was open.Ian emer-ged from an un-no-ti-ced si-decor-ri-dor be-hind Jeremy."How the mighty ha-ve fal-len, Ian sa-id ca-using Jeremy to whirl aro-und at the so-und of his vo-ice. Calm down, yo-ung man.I not so-me mons-ter co-me to end yo-ur li-fe.""Ian you we-re right abo-ut the Fre-edom II.""I know, Ian wal-ked past Jeremy in-to the ar-mory pro-per. Wo-uld you ca-re for so-me mu-sic? Ifind Wag-ner par-ti-cu-larly re-la-xing in ti-mes li-ke the-se.""Ian, how did you know so qu-ickly abo-ut the Fre-edom I me-an?"The for-mer C.I.A.agent to-ok a se-at in a set up fol-ding cha-ir bet-we-en the racks we-apons thatli-ned the walls of the va-ult li-ke ro-om. The-ir shi-el-ding, Ian pic-ked up a cold cup of tea sit-tingbe-si-de the cha-ir and sip-ped at it. The-re was a pro-j-ect li-ke what they desc-ri-bed but it ne-vergot off the gro-und.The energy ex-pen-di-tu-re to ge-ne-ra-te the kind of fi-eld they men-ti-oned wasim-pos-sib-le.The pro-j-ect was scar-ped be-ca-use of it." Jeremy to-ok a se-at on the flo-or in front of Ian. Why do you stay down he-re so much?"Ian la-ug-hed. I'm not im-mu-ne to the ra-di-ati-on li-ke the rest of you se-em to be, Jeremy."Jeremy's mo-uth drop-ped open."This is the most shi-el-ded part of the comp-lex.I cho-ose to stay he-re be-ca-use I va-lue my li-fe.Even so, I am fin-ding it har-der each day to re-sist the ur-ges ri-sing in-si-de of me.Very so-on I thinkyou may find yo-ur-self in a po-si-ti-on whe-re my dis-po-sal will be-co-me vi-tal to yo-ur ownsur-vi-val. Ian no-ti-ced Jeremy shift un-com-for-tably. I as-su-re you, you will ha-ve to do it.No-neof the ot-hers, not even our go-od doc-tor, even sus-pect that I am not well."Ian pa-used and sat down his tea. I don't ha-ve any ma-gi-cal ans-wers abo-ut who the pe-op-lecla-iming to be on-bo-ard the Fre-edom II might be.I'm not God, Jeremy.But whet-her they arelo-oters, sur-vi-vors li-ke us, or re-aso-ning ver-si-ons of the cre-atu-res out-si-de, they will be co-ming.Will they bring de-ath or ho-pe? I don't know.Per-so-nal-ly, I be-li-eve ho-pe di-ed the se-cond thewa-ve to-uc-hed our world.""Will you help us get re-ady for them? Jeremy as-ked."There's not-hing I can do Jeremy.I'm cer-ta-inly not abo-ut to go up top aga-in and I don't think canre-al-ly ask that of me.Ge-off is the mi-li-tary ex-pert.He can hand-le it.""And that's it? That's all you ha-ve to of-fer? Jeremy sho-ok his he-ad. Don't you ca-re abo-utan-yo-ne?""Yes, Ian ans-we-red, I ca-re abo-ut me and eit-her way, I am dying."Ian dis-mis-sed Jeremy with a curt Go-od day and pic-ked up a bo-ok he had be-en re-adingope-ning a chap-ter mar-ked with pi-ece of rib-bon.Jeremy didn't ar-gue.He got to his fe-et and wentin se-arch of Ge-off.So-met-hing had to be do-ne and it lo-oked li-ke it was up to them to do it.Hisli-fe and the world he knew had be-en ta-ken from him on-ce; he wasn't go-ing to gi-ve up this pla-cetoo wit-ho-ut a fight."It can't be do-ne, Ge-off slur-red drop-ping the empty jug to the ga-ra-ge's flo-or. This ba-se wasne-ver de-sig-ned to be a de-fen-sib-le po-si-ti-on out he-re.It's a damn bomb shel-ter kid, a re-al-lyhigh tech one, but still just a shel-ter."Jeremy grab-bed Ge-off by the front his uni-form and tri-ed to yank him to his fe-et.As drunk asGe-off was he still easily shif-ted Jeremy's arm fol-ding it pa-in-ful-ly be-hind the yo-un-ger man's backas he sto-od up. Kid, it's all open spa-ce and fi-elds up he-re.The fen-ce is the only re-al obs-tac-le toan-yo-ne who wants on-to the gro-unds.If the-se things show up with the wi-el-ding torc-hes to burnthro-ugh the outer se-al in the shed on-ce they're in-si-de the pe-ri-me-ter then may-be they de-ser-ve toha-ve us for din-ner. Ge-off re-le-ased his hold on Jeremy and stag-ge-red out in-to the sun-light. Jesus, kid, I just ro-as-ted a mob of pe-op-le ali-ve to sa-ve yo-ur ass [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
zanotowane.pl doc.pisz.pl pdf.pisz.pl trzylatki.xlx.pl
.The he-avy re-in-for-ced po-lesthat held the fen-ce in pla-ce swa-yed un-der the for-ce of the-ir strug-gle to get in-si-de."Got so-me gas no one se-ems to be usin over in the ga-ra-ge, Wa-de of-fe-red.Within mi-nu-tes, Wa-de had a jury-rig-ged ho-se set up run-ning from the lar-ge fu-el tanks in-si-dethe ga-ra-ge.Troy and Ge-off hel-ped him drag it out and cut it on."Wee-freakin'-Hah! Troy bel-lo-wed as he held the ho-se's noz-zle, spra-ying down the rows ofpac-ked cre-atu-res and the fen-ce ali-ke. Anybody got a match?"Wade sho-ok his he-ad hol-ding a sil-ver Zip-po in his hand.He lo-oked at it sadly. This was myfa-vo-ri-te ligh-ter, he sa-id then flic-ked it lit, tos-sing it at the fen-ce.Howls and scre-ams ro-se up asa wa-ve of blue fla-me burst in-to exis-ten-ce and swept thro-ugh the ranks of the in-fec-ted.Ge-off hadshut off the ho-se and the three of them sto-od in si-len-ce.Black smo-ke drif-ted up-wards in-to thehe-avens and it was all Troy co-uld do not to vo-mit from the overw-hel-ming odor of bur-ning flesh."I don't be-li-eve it, Nat-ha-ni-al slum-ped over his com-pu-ter scre-en. What the hell do-es itme-an?"He and To-ni had be-en ab-le to tra-ce the so-ur-ce of the Fre-edom II's mes-sa-ge.It hadn't co-mefrom or-bit at all but rat-her so-mew-he-re in So-uth Ca-ro-li-na only a few hund-red mi-les away fromthe comp-lex."It me-ans Ian was right. Jeremy he-ard To-ni sob-bing. Oh God, she cri-ed, I am so sorry."Jeremy to-ok her in his arms. So-me-one out the-re whet-her it's tho-se cre-atu-res or not knowswe're he-re now.They know we're ali-ve and sa-ne.Wor-se, they know how many of us the-re are."Toni nest-led her fa-ce de-eper in-to his sho-ul-der and wept openly.Strings of te-ars and spit wetJeremy's shirt un-der her."What do we do now? Nat-ha-ni-al as-ked."We get re-ady, Jeremy grit-ted his te-eth. We get re-ady for who-ever or wha-te-ver's co-ming."Jeremy saw To-ni to her qu-ar-ters and got her set-tled, ur-ging her to get so-me rest and calm down.Then it was ti-me, he de-ci-ded, to pay a vi-sit to Ian's cof-fin".**** The do-ors of the lift ope-nedon-to the ar-mory le-vel.Jeremy had ne-ver be-en to this part of the ba-se be-fo-re and was ta-kenaback by the con-di-ti-on of the hal-lway.Un-li-ke the rest of Def Con, this part of the comp-lex hadn'tbe-en re-pa-ired sin-ce the bat-tle fo-ught he-re in the days af-ter the wa-ve.The ligh-ting was po-or asmany of the lights we-re shot out or flic-ke-red badly cas-ting eerie stro-bes along the me-tal walls.Thewalls them-sel-ves we-re scar-red by so-me kind of exp-lo-si-on as if so-me-one had set off agre-na-de in the pas-sa-ge-way.Spent shell ca-sings lit-te-red the flo-or as Jeremy ma-de his way to theend of the hall.The ent-ran-ce to the ar-mory was open.Ian emer-ged from an un-no-ti-ced si-decor-ri-dor be-hind Jeremy."How the mighty ha-ve fal-len, Ian sa-id ca-using Jeremy to whirl aro-und at the so-und of his vo-ice. Calm down, yo-ung man.I not so-me mons-ter co-me to end yo-ur li-fe.""Ian you we-re right abo-ut the Fre-edom II.""I know, Ian wal-ked past Jeremy in-to the ar-mory pro-per. Wo-uld you ca-re for so-me mu-sic? Ifind Wag-ner par-ti-cu-larly re-la-xing in ti-mes li-ke the-se.""Ian, how did you know so qu-ickly abo-ut the Fre-edom I me-an?"The for-mer C.I.A.agent to-ok a se-at in a set up fol-ding cha-ir bet-we-en the racks we-apons thatli-ned the walls of the va-ult li-ke ro-om. The-ir shi-el-ding, Ian pic-ked up a cold cup of tea sit-tingbe-si-de the cha-ir and sip-ped at it. The-re was a pro-j-ect li-ke what they desc-ri-bed but it ne-vergot off the gro-und.The energy ex-pen-di-tu-re to ge-ne-ra-te the kind of fi-eld they men-ti-oned wasim-pos-sib-le.The pro-j-ect was scar-ped be-ca-use of it." Jeremy to-ok a se-at on the flo-or in front of Ian. Why do you stay down he-re so much?"Ian la-ug-hed. I'm not im-mu-ne to the ra-di-ati-on li-ke the rest of you se-em to be, Jeremy."Jeremy's mo-uth drop-ped open."This is the most shi-el-ded part of the comp-lex.I cho-ose to stay he-re be-ca-use I va-lue my li-fe.Even so, I am fin-ding it har-der each day to re-sist the ur-ges ri-sing in-si-de of me.Very so-on I thinkyou may find yo-ur-self in a po-si-ti-on whe-re my dis-po-sal will be-co-me vi-tal to yo-ur ownsur-vi-val. Ian no-ti-ced Jeremy shift un-com-for-tably. I as-su-re you, you will ha-ve to do it.No-neof the ot-hers, not even our go-od doc-tor, even sus-pect that I am not well."Ian pa-used and sat down his tea. I don't ha-ve any ma-gi-cal ans-wers abo-ut who the pe-op-lecla-iming to be on-bo-ard the Fre-edom II might be.I'm not God, Jeremy.But whet-her they arelo-oters, sur-vi-vors li-ke us, or re-aso-ning ver-si-ons of the cre-atu-res out-si-de, they will be co-ming.Will they bring de-ath or ho-pe? I don't know.Per-so-nal-ly, I be-li-eve ho-pe di-ed the se-cond thewa-ve to-uc-hed our world.""Will you help us get re-ady for them? Jeremy as-ked."There's not-hing I can do Jeremy.I'm cer-ta-inly not abo-ut to go up top aga-in and I don't think canre-al-ly ask that of me.Ge-off is the mi-li-tary ex-pert.He can hand-le it.""And that's it? That's all you ha-ve to of-fer? Jeremy sho-ok his he-ad. Don't you ca-re abo-utan-yo-ne?""Yes, Ian ans-we-red, I ca-re abo-ut me and eit-her way, I am dying."Ian dis-mis-sed Jeremy with a curt Go-od day and pic-ked up a bo-ok he had be-en re-adingope-ning a chap-ter mar-ked with pi-ece of rib-bon.Jeremy didn't ar-gue.He got to his fe-et and wentin se-arch of Ge-off.So-met-hing had to be do-ne and it lo-oked li-ke it was up to them to do it.Hisli-fe and the world he knew had be-en ta-ken from him on-ce; he wasn't go-ing to gi-ve up this pla-cetoo wit-ho-ut a fight."It can't be do-ne, Ge-off slur-red drop-ping the empty jug to the ga-ra-ge's flo-or. This ba-se wasne-ver de-sig-ned to be a de-fen-sib-le po-si-ti-on out he-re.It's a damn bomb shel-ter kid, a re-al-lyhigh tech one, but still just a shel-ter."Jeremy grab-bed Ge-off by the front his uni-form and tri-ed to yank him to his fe-et.As drunk asGe-off was he still easily shif-ted Jeremy's arm fol-ding it pa-in-ful-ly be-hind the yo-un-ger man's backas he sto-od up. Kid, it's all open spa-ce and fi-elds up he-re.The fen-ce is the only re-al obs-tac-le toan-yo-ne who wants on-to the gro-unds.If the-se things show up with the wi-el-ding torc-hes to burnthro-ugh the outer se-al in the shed on-ce they're in-si-de the pe-ri-me-ter then may-be they de-ser-ve toha-ve us for din-ner. Ge-off re-le-ased his hold on Jeremy and stag-ge-red out in-to the sun-light. Jesus, kid, I just ro-as-ted a mob of pe-op-le ali-ve to sa-ve yo-ur ass [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]