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. I ll help him, ma'am.I nodded and moved out of the way so hecould help Drake out of the limo.Whilethey did that, I looked around, where thehell was I, because this wasn t Dallas.Once Drake was out and in the wheelchair we had bought for him, I started inon questions. Where are we? Oklahoma City. Why are we in Oklahoma City? So we can get married. Huh? Have you lost your damn mind? No, I haven t lost my mind.I ve finally gotten you to say yes and I wasn t going tochance the seventy-two hour wait in Texasthat you d change it, no waiting inOklahoma and it's close.I had to give it to him he knows me well. All right, let s go get married then. You re not mad?I shook my head. Why would I be mad? Well, this will be a quick thing in front ofthe Justice of the Peace. Yeah, I got that. You re okay with that? Now you re worried about that? I askedand started laughing; he s worried nowafter he drove our asses two hours to gethere. He shrugged and looked at me sheepishly. Didn t know how you d take it actually. Need help with the chair? I asked.The limo driver walked up. Ma'am I vegot it. I nodded at him and looked atDrake. I m fine with it, but you re telling Devi,I said then sauntered away, guess I mgetting married today. You suck, he yelled after me thenfollowed me to the building.After we finally finished filling out all thepaperwork and paying the fees, we hadour marriage license.The office buildingwas closing soon so we had to hurry to getto the JP in time to get married, but Drakecouldn t run anywhere.So that meant I had to run to the other side of the buildingwhile he followed slowly in hiswheelchair pushed by the limo driver.Imade it in time and talked to the man at thedesk and was able to secure us a spot toget married today.I still couldn t believe Iwas doing this, but I didn t feel like it wasthe wrong thing to do anymore.Drake showed up about five minutes laterwith a big smile on his face and holdingthe most beautiful bouquet of flowers Ihad ever seen.It was a work of art.Therewere stargazer lilies mixed in with whiteorchids and blue purple orchids thattrailed down, it was breathtaking. These are for you, he said holding outthe bouquet with a sheepish smile.I tookpity on him and took the flowers from him burying my face into them so I could smelltheir sweet scent. Drake, they re beautiful. I m glad you like them, baby, I wantedyou to have something traditional, hemurmured. We all set here? Yeah, we should see the JP in about tenminutes. All right, let s find a place to sit. Okay and I lead us to a bench not farfrom the office.DrakeI had been watching Mags for the past fiveminutes alternate between staring at herengagement ring and the bouquet offlowers I had X get for her when an older man in robes came out and called ournames.I looked over at my future wife andsmiled, she walked around pushing mychair towards the Justice of the Peace. So you re getting married today? Yes, sir, I answered.He nodded his head,  Well, right in here.he gestured to his office and Mags and Ifollowed him in. Since you didn t have any witnesses, wefound two for you, he said and walkedaround his desk and sat down. Okay,well then let s get started, shall we?I reached out taking the crutches from thelimo driver stood carefully like I had beenshown, then leaned one against a chair.Itook her hand in mine and looked into her beautiful blue eyes, knowing these eyeswould be the ones I looked into each nightbefore I went to sleep and woke up toeach morning.The JP started talking but I didn t reallylisten to what he said, I answered when Iwas supposed to but continued to stareinto Mags eyes getting lost in them.Finally, he said that I could kiss my bride,and I smiled widely, 'my bride', I liked thesound of that.I bent down and brushed mylips against hers once, twice, three timesbefore murmuring,  I love you, honey,and then kissing her deeply.I finally broke the kiss off when someonecleared their throat and another chuckled,I looked down at a smiling Mags andknew I had just made the best decision of my life. EpilogueMags Ah Devi, come on I didn t know wewere going to get married either, he justkind of sprung it on me, come talk to meplease, I begged yet again.As soon asDevi found out what happened she calledus all assholes and hadn t talked to ussince.I mean, I knew she would be mad,but not to this extent, I was starting to get alittle worried. Come on, Devi, it s been two days.Howlong are you going to be like this? Drakegrowled from his spot at the kitchen table.Seth started laughing and we all turnedand glared at him, which only made himlaugh harder when he finally calmed down enough to talk.He looked over at his wifeand smirked. Devi, just tell them.She shook her head no. I swear to god,Seth, if you say one word you will not getlaid for a year. Yeah, I don t see that one happening, hesaid then looked over at Drake. She sfucking with you both, she s got somefriends coming over today for a BBQ tocelebrate your getting married. SETH! she screeched and threw acinnamon roll at him.I looked over at my best friend andsmiled, she really was the best eventhough she was a giant pain in the ass mostof the time. Really?  Yeah, it s nothing big, just the guys fromthe band and shop. I love you, Devi. I love you too, she looked over and meand smiled,  sister.Devi and I were in the kitchen working onlast minute touches to lunch, she hadcalled a caterer to handle most of the foodso we didn t have a lot to do.I wasputting ice in cups for drinks, when Ashwalked in carrying a wailing Cait, Deviquickly took over leaving Ash to finishsticking paper plates into the wickerholders.I glanced up at the perfect time,Cris walked in behind Ash running hishand over her ass, I looked over at Deviand had to bite my tongue.Devi looked like her eyes were about to pop out of herhead from seeing that, she looked over atme and nodded towards them, I noddedback.Hmm life was about to getinteresting, well more interesting aroundhere.DrakeLater that afternoon I was sitting out in thepatio with my friends and familycelebrating the fact that I had finally gottenMags not only agree to marry me, butactually do it, it was a fucking miracle.I pushed myself back into the living roomheading to the kitchen to grab something todrink when I noticed Sam staring out thewindows into the backyard [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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