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.2.Take a smaller file with edges, and run the file inside the channel where the two rails on the boltcarrier ride.This is particularly important on Pacific Armament Corporation Imbels, or any otherBrazilian receiver with the Imbel gear logo on the right side.The lettering is stamped too deep,which raises a small bump on the inside.A few strokes of the file will show any high spots.If youcan find a honing stone small enough, that will work too, but it is important that whatever tool youselect is long enough that the sides will remain parallel.3.With a CratexÛö, 3M ScotchbriteÛö, or very fine sanding rotary tool, break the edge of theextractor relief cut.This is the flat part over where the barrel screw in.On the right side, there is aradius cut.This gives the extractor room to cam over the rim of a cartridge (I know its technically arimless cartridge  but for lack of a better word.).The FAL is not a "positive feed" system, wherethe round slides under the extractor from the magazine.Instead, the extractor must snap around therim on closing.Sometimes this radius cut is too small, which does not allow the extractor to moveup and right far enough to snap over the cartridge rim.Polish this area from the front as well, whichis not possible to do after the barrel is mounted.Using your receiver stub, compare the tiny relief cuton the receiver just in front of the magazine well to that on your new receiver.Often the cut will notbe deep enough, or will not have the proper contour.There is supposed to be a definite step here.Ifnot, make the step with a jeweler's file or carbide burr.If all else fails, examine your ammunition forexcessively thick or wide rims, or too shallow an extractor groove.4.Insure the base of the ejector block is not bent.Sometimes the area in front of the hole where thebolt hold-open fits is bent slightly to the rear, which will cause the bolt hold-open to bind.This isrelatively soft and can easily be bent back.If you will be using an L1A1 bolt hold-open on a metricor hybrid receiver, now would also be a good time to open the bolt hold open channel.001" eitherwith a drill bit of the exact size or apiece of sandpaper wrapped around a dowel.You could alsopolish down the bolt hold-open or use a metric one with no ill effect,.5.The front part of the slot where the peg on the cocking slide rides often has a burr or roughmachine mark.Using a small jeweler's file, clean up this area.It may cause the cocking slide to behard to open for the first ½ inch.Copyright 1997-2001by T.Mark Graham.All Rights Reserved. 6.Insure the rear part of the dust cover channel is not dented.If so, recut with a thin cutoff wheel.Otherwise, the receiver will shave metal off the dust cover during installation.RECOIL SPRING TUBEThis is the culprit in many opening and closing malfunctions.They sometimes have small ripples in them not quite a bend, but enough to raise a slight ring  similar to a bulged barrel  which can slow the springfrom smooth operation.Take a rod (a section of shotgun cleaning rod is ideal) and slit the end of it.Wrap apiece of sandpaper around the end of the rod (secured in the slit), lubricate, and chuck into a power drill.Run in and out a few times.Then take a 45 cal brass or stainless cleaning brush, wrap steel wool around it,and run this through a few times with lubricant.This should get you a mirror finish.Occasionally the hole ina wood stock for the recoil spring tube will have warped slightly.This will make the stock hard to install andcan put a slight bend in the tube, detracting from smooth function.Carefully ream this hole, if applicable.Another common problem with the recoil spring tube is that it may unscrew from the lower receiver.This isbad.There is a relief cut at the 6'oclock position.It may look like it belongs at 12'oclock, but it doesn't.It isto clear the bottom of the rat tail when the bolt carrier is in the rearmost position.If it comes out, degreaseand use red thread-locker to secure.There is no reason to remove this other than to replace it, and if needed,300+ degree F.heat will loosen it [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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