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.When we had first met, we were bothstill so young.My financial situation wasworth little compared to my accumulatedwealth now, but I never thought thatmattered to her.Not until she ran offwith the first old-money bags to catch herattention.Julia stomped out of the room,mumbling under her breath but notbefore shooting one last deadly glare backat Natasha.I descended the last few steps, myhands kneading out the kink in my neckand walked past Natasha toward thekitchen.I was relieved Oliver wasn t home.I missed him but this would be hard toexplain, he s been hoping and praying oneday his mother would return.Every wishhe ever made was for that one thing.Andnow here she was.I poured a glass oforange juice, and stood resting my hip onthe counter and waited for her to explainherself. You look good, Logan. She lickedher lips slowly, seductively and beganapproaching me.She was too easy to readand I was over it already.I cocked my eyebrow at her brazenattempt to reel me in with sex and heldup my hand to stop her. It s been over four years and that swhat you have to say to me?  Well, I missed you.I forgot howdelicious you were with messy bed headand sleepy eyes. Cut the crap. I slammed my glasson the counter. Why are you here? I told you already.I want my familyback. Why now? Your rich littleboyfriends finally croak of old age? Ichuckled dryly shaking my head. Or didthey finally realize you re not worth theirtime and money? I shoved off thecounter and stepped forward.She smiled. You don t mean that,baby. Yes.I do. I stepped around her,glaring and sat at the kitchen table. Resting my hand against my poundinghead, I sighed. I ve spent enough timehating you, Natasha, regretting I ever metyou.But you gave me the best thing in mylife, Oliver. I want to see him, she replied,quickly, moving to sit across from me. Not going to happen. I scoffed. He barely remembers you and the fewmemories he does have I won t allow youto taint. He s my son.My own flesh andblood, Logan.You can t keep him fromme. Natasha s voice grew low. Watch me, I snapped and stoodfrom the table, unable to sit there anylonger. He ll hate you. I froze mid step half way out of theroom.Slowly, I craned my head at thebrazen woman now standing behind me.She stepped around me, my gazefollowing her.She smiled, and I watcheda malicious smile grow on her face. He sgoing to grow up eventually and when hedoes, he ll find me or I ll find him. Shestepped closer, reaching out and brushingher hand down my chest. I ll tell himyou kept us apart and he ll hate youforever.I snatched her hand traveling down tothe drawstrings of my pants. Don t youdare come into my home and threatenme! I released her hand, shoving it away,repulsed. I ll make sure he knows exactly the kind of woman his mother is.I walked around her and out of theroom.My hands pumping into a fist, jawclenched.How dare she? Logan, please.I didn t mean to upsetyou. Natasha came up behind me, herhands resting on my arms.I shrugged her off, disgusted by heronce arousing touch.She stepped in frontof me again, testing my patience.I couldnever hurt a woman but Julia was in thenext room, no doubt listening, waiting tothrow Natasha out with one word frommy mouth. I want you gone, I said, my voicehard. I m not leaving town, she replied with ease, ignoring my threatening scowl,and walked to the front door. I mstaying in a hotel nearby.Here s their cardwith my room number on it as well as mycell number.Natasha placed the shiny creambusiness card on the antique table besidethe door. I want to make this work.Ourfamily, please Logan, for Oliver. Natashaopened the door, the cool night airreminding me of the reality waitingoutside those doors. I ll be in touch.Natasha closed the door behind her. Don t you dare say you re going toactually think about giving her anotherchance? I turned to see Julia storming downthe hall toward me. Not now. I sighed, running myhands down my face and around the backof my neck.I needed to think.Her voice grew louder as I walkedpast her up the stairs and headed to mybedroom where I slammed the door shutbehind me.Without a single clearthought I threw on a clean black shirt,dark pair of jeans and headed back downstairs. I m going out. What? Julia frowned, still standingwhere I left her minutes earlier. The girlyou care about is lying in a hospital bedbecause of a drunk driver and you re going to go out? I know what that means,Logan! I m not going to drink.Not thistime.I just need. I sighed, dropping myhead.I had no clue what I needed.SlowlyI lifted my gaze back up at her.The thought of getting drunk broughtup nothing but bad memories.No, Ineeded some fresh air and somewhere tothink.Before Cassandra, I would havegone straight to Haven and screwed thefirst woman that greeted me with a smile,but now everything was different.Foreverchanged.My body belonged to Cassandraalong with everything else.I ached for her in a way I neverthought possible.Not for sex, but for hercompany.Her bright-smile, her sweet laugh.I would take anything she couldoffer at this point.I walked out to my garage and rippedthe cloth cover from my vintagemotorcycle and pulled on my helmet.Ithad been months since I had gone for aride and I wondered if Cassandra wouldone day ride with me.The thought ofhaving her that close, holding onto to mybody, a shiver raced up my spine and shotthrough my neck.Her hands gripped around my waist, Icould only dream of such a heaven.Within minutes, I was on the backcountry road, cool air blowing against myface.The heaviness in my head lifted as Itook every curve with slow precision. I was in no hurry that night.It wouldbe wrong to attempt to stay home in mycurrent condition.Tightening my hands on the grips, Ilet my mind drift through all thepossibilities and all the ways I couldconvince Cassandra to let me back in.I would never give up.I was hers and someday she would bemine. About the AuthorAngela Graham lives outside ofDayton, Ohio with her husband andthree wonderful kids [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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