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.Bolodo had paid certain members of the Oligarchy bribes and promised themAslan would disappear so thoroughly she'd be better than dead.Why Aslan? Notfor her body, shuh! she's my daughter and I love her, but even I wouldn't callher a beauty.She's attractive enough, but there are thousands of women moreso.Not all that sexy either, she's more interested in scrungy natives andputting together culture flakes than she is in men, they're for recreationwhen she's not busy with something else and that shows.To be honest, Quale,she's a very boring person.Secrets? Everything she's done has been publishedone way or another.She's a xenoethnologist, for god's sake, who'd pay a pileof coin for a xenoethnologist? There it is.What it says to me is this, Bolodohad an order from some crawly who has the hots for a scholar and Aslan droppedinto their fingers.Scholars do tend to have a lot of backing, colleagues andso on who yelp when something happens to one of them, I give the nannys that."I dumped the judge and got off Styerana with lice hot after me ready to do meworse than they did Aslan.That must have been when Bolodo discovered someonewas snooping into their business; there was enough left of the judge for that.I suppose I should have offed him, but the easy life I've had the last fewdecades has made me soft.Couldn't do it.He was such a miserable little worm,I just couldn't squash him."I went home for tools, visited some old friends; by the time I reachedSpotchals, I wasn't me, had distorters on my bone structure and twisters on mybodystinks.Just as well, Bolodo had spotters out, bloodoons looping over everyport, sniffoons trundling through the streets, don't know if they were lookingfor me or what they thought they were doing, but if was a nuisance.Local licewere irritated by all this, that was points for me, they tended to knock downthe 'oons whenever they came across them.After I got dug in, I didn't havetoo much trouble keeping hid.You know Spotchals, the police there are nothingspecial; they do what they have to and not much more and the government's lesscorrupt than most, and there are thousands of ships going in and out, busyplace, and a huge population."Getting through security around the Bolodo compound was something else.Ittook me three years of digging, slow tedious dangerous digging, dancing tiptoearound the sleeping tiger to get close enough to work the mainbrain.You don'tknow how many dead ends I banged into, but I finally wormed a way throughperimeter security and set up a protected corridor that would let me nest inthe walls each night and gnaw away at the records hunting for Aslan's file.Inand out, living on my nerves, feeling for traps, moving a hair at a time, dayby day, week by week, month by.month.Twice I joggled something; it wasn'texactly a trap, but it alerted Security and there was a general alarm, Istopped breathing, didn't move and they missed me; they ran all around me, butthey didn't find me.And I started again hair by hair, looking for Aslan.Theywere tense for weeks after each of those brushes, jumping at shadows, it madethings easier and harder for me; all that activity covered a lot I was doing,on the other hand someone could stumble on me any time if my Luck went bad, itwas enough to give me permanent shakes.After two more months of this, I foundher.She was listed as part of a special shipment to a world so secret itwasn't identified except by a code name.This was in a limited access file,you needed five keys entered simultaneously to release it if you didn't have ashortcut like my crazyquilt.And still that worldname was coded.I duped apart of the file, the part about Aslan.All the shipments were there,fifty years of kidnapping and slaving; I thought about duping the whole thing,but I was afraid of staying in there too long, besides, I didn't care aboutPage 18 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlthose others, what I wanted was Aslan.Oh.Yes.I got something else, notethis, Quale, this is important.Those shipments are assembled at a substationoff Weersyll, they go out roughly twice a year.There's one scheduled forthree months from now, I hope you can follow it.Lyggad says you can, he's theone researched you for me, you know you've got a very odd history, dumb, Idon't have to tell you about your life, where that ship is going is wherewe'll find Aslan.I've got the flakes with me, I thought you might need to seethem.That night I didn't try for the code, I took the flakes out of thecompound and stowed them in my case.I gave myself three more nights to breakthe code and identify the destination, I set up passage off Spotchals, didn'tcare where to, on half a dozen ships each night, different hours, I wanted tobe out and off fast, you know Spotchals, there are what, fifty? a hundred?ships leaving every night, if I was quick enough, slippery enough, I'd getahead of the guards, the 'oons, even if I tripped alarms all over the place.As long as I got clear of the compound.That was the trick.Getting clear.Security hadn't come close to my corridor, not once in all those months.Itwas worth taking the chance.I went in, set things up to collapse behind me ifI had to run, slipped into the limited files and started hunting for the keyto the code that concealed the world and its location.I thought I was beingvery very careful, but that particular line was loaded with traps, almost thefirst move I made set off alarms, turned the compound into a bomb waiting toblow.This time they knew they had a rat in the walls and they weren't goingto quit till they got it.""I jerked my taps and went away fast, the corridor shutting down behind me,erasing my backtrail.I thought I got away clean.I collected my case and wasoffworld before Bolodo Security finished flushing the compound and turnedtheir search on the ports.I dodged about for several months, shifting IDsuntil I was me again.There was no sign of interest in mebefore Aggerdorn, that was where I got passage here with Treviglio.Ishouldn't be surprised, though, should I.It isn't that big a step to tie theagitator on Kavelda Styernna to Aslan and Aslan to me and given what happenedon Spotchals, adding in Adelaris, well, there I was.Kinok and Kumari wereright, Bolodo's little sideline is nasty, dangerous and profitable; the net onAslan's shipment was close to a billion gelders and remember there've been twoshipments a year for more than five decades."She opened her eyes, yawned.The storm was still yowling outside thedeflectors, though the winds were dying down, the rain slackening."You knowthe most frustrating thing? I was on Spotchals two months before Aslan'sshipment left Weersyll.Two damn months [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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