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. The circle.Trey looked irritated. The circle? What is that? Gabriel s pet name for an area in the woods, a grove of trees.He used to discipline me there. Liam ran a hand over his face, pulling himself together.He didn tlike that Trey would smell his distress. You can t come.He ll kill Alec if you do.Thisisn t like last time when Gabriel wasn t expecting you to extract Ira. I ll stay downwind. No. Liam.Think.You need backup.You know I can stay undetected.You know that.Idon t take risks with people s lives.I never do.Liam stared into those blue eyes that were no longer cold, or not just cold.There wasa flame there, and he wasn t entirely sure what had lit it. Why are you coming?www.samhainpublishing.com 161 Joely Skye It is time  uncharacteristically Trey paused, though his expression gave nothingaway  to bury my brother.Liam ran as wolf.He d been wolf all day and the moon was new and thin, makinghim uncomfortable in his animal skin.He wanted to be human, he wanted to be in hishouse, with his mate and his brother.He wanted safety, not this darkness, not this fear.How many times had he approached the circle, until that last time when he chose torun rather than be ripped apart by Gabriel? It had been a big decision for a youngwerewolf who craved being part of a pack, who feared going lone wolf and crazy, butGabriel and his ruthlessness and cruelty had driven Liam away.Never before had the stakes been so high.Then, Gabriel had always taken care not todamage Liam so severely he couldn t heal.Though Liam had always feared Gabrielwould misjudge, he had such a temper.But now Gabriel wanted blood.Whether he dchoose Alec s blood or Liam s, or probably both, Liam didn t know.Veronica would take care of Ira, though it hurt to think Ira would suffer another loss.Liam knew how attached Ira was to him.It also hurt to think of Alec dying, ripped apartand unable to heal.Skidding to a stop, Liam threw back his head, letting the howl of rage flow throughhim and out, letting his fury rend the air.Gabriel could take that as a challenge, Liamdidn t care.It wouldn t hurt any, because Gabriel liked challenges, chose to focus onthem, and perhaps that would take Alec out of the limelight.Gabriel didn t answer, no doubt because he was human, and Liam loped the last half-mile determined to save Alec, and then himself, determined to survive despite the way hisinsides quaked in fear.He shoved the fear aside, he carried enough anger to cover the weaker emotion, andtrotted between the trees to find his mate in the small clearing.With his enemy.As soonas Liam came to a stop, Gabriel hauled up a half-conscious Alec and held a knife to hisstomach.Gabriel always did like going for the belly.162 www.samhainpublishing.com Marked Liam.You came back to me.Liam bristled in response.He d considered shifting to human, but talking to Gabrielhad always been an exercise in futility.There was no way to connect to the psychopath,there was no logic, only hate and scheming and an overwhelming desire to win.Alec shook his head slightly, as if trying to become more aware of his surroundings.His eyes blinked open and Liam could smell his pain and his anger.Surprisingly littlefear.Gabriel pressed the blade against Alec s thin shirt and Alec flinched in pain. Whoops.Well, a little bit of blood won t hurt you.It was only a scratch.However, Iam curious to see what his intestines look like.Aren t you, Liam?Alec began to shake in Gabriel s awful embrace.Liam stepped forward and Gabrielsaid,  Stop.You come closer and you will see his gut.Liam stayed where he was. What do I want from you? That s your question, Liam, right? Stop snarling for amoment do you have no control? and I ll tell you.I want you to put your belly to theground.Now.Liam lowered himself, though he could not stop his lip from curling back and histhroat from growling.His mate was in danger and he was enraged.The bloodlust wasbuilding and if he didn t watch it, he would attack to protect Alec despite the fact that bythe time he reached Gabriel, Alec would be dead, his life s blood seeping into the ground. Good, good, Gabriel crooned.He d never understood just how crazy he soundedwhen he spoke like that. Now, Liam, roll over. No, Liam! cried Alec, while Gabriel shook him and yelled,  Shut up.I talk, notyou.Don t you remember my instructions? Keep your fucking mouth closed. Gabrielmoved, so one hand pushed up Alec s chin while the other now held the knife at Alec sthroat. I am in charge here. I can tell, said Alec.His tone, amazingly, was dry, even if there was a tremor in hisvoice. You need a knife or shackle or an unconscious man to be in charge.www.samhainpublishing.com 163 Joely SkyeGabriel shook Alec hard, all the while careful to keep the knife s point close to Alec.Liam was watching for the opportunity to leap and save Alec, and Gabriel didn t intendto give it to him. You think you re a man? Gabriel asked Alec, annoyed and wanting to toy withhim. Why yes, I do. Maybe I should cut off your dick. And that makes you a man?Liam could smell the rage rolling off Gabriel who, with a trembling hand, sliced theskin along Alec s jawline making his victim grunt in pain. Do you like that? I can carve you up in front of Liam here and enjoy doing it.Didyou know I used to bring Liam here when he was a teenager?Alec s voice was thick now, with shock and anger. It takes a big man to beat theshit out of a skinny teenaged boy.Well done.You must have been awfully proud ofyourself. Alec winced, a high, painful sound escaping, as Gabriel sliced his cheek. Keep that up and you ll lose an eye. Oh, I want to lose an eye, Gabriel.You make the most generous offers.And Liam, slow on the uptake, frozen by bloodlust and fear and fury, and worst ofall indecision, realized then that Alec was trying to distract Gabriel from Liam, wastrying to sacrifice himself for Liam, goading Gabriel into killing him. Be the big bully, Gabriel, blind me.People will think you re so brave [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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