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. I suppose I ll take my meal in my room, then, andcatch up on my reading. Very well.Miss Harper and I will inform the kitchen.Oh, and were you able to speakwith the countess? Yes. Snakes!  Ah I gave her the towels, and as for the rest, such as the bed linens, Iwould leave them outside her door, and allow her to replace them at her leisure.Elena returned to the stairs, and grasped up her skirt to ascend, feeling as if she couldfloat right up.She had just received the most wonderful and unexpected gift, and she wasso excited, she d almost forgotten about the countess and her snakes.She recalled Lord Black s expression that afternoon as her hansom had rolled away.Hehad appeared so stern, so guarded.To think that in the next moment he had pressed back into the crowd to find Lizzy.How could she ever thank him?Hours later, Leeson pulled the weighty draperies along their brass rail, blocking out thefathomless night sky. My lord, I ve left your daily correspondence on your dressing table.He crossed the room, and with a few jabs of the poker quickly roused the fire.Archer emerged from his dressing closet, tying a pair of flannel trousers at his waist. Anything interesting? Not that I recall.Just the last of the ledger statements.And scads of calling cards andletters of introduction from people who wish to make your acquaintance.Mr.Jasperasked if you will be at home to accept callers one afternoon soon.Archer frowned.What an awful idea.If not for Elena, no one but his barristers andbankers would even know he was in residence. I suppose we must do that eventually. Archer needed to visit with Mrs.Hazelgreaves.Many of the world s rarest jewels were displayed in private and highly exclusive venues.Perhaps Elena, and he, for that matter, could indeed be spared the discomfort of a largeformal event, and they could entertain potential suitors on a smaller scale. Lord Black s secretary circled the room, retrieving whatever articles of clothing hisimmortal employer had strewn off as he d passed through on his way to the bath. Willyou return to the city tonight? Yes. Archer sifted through the stack. Before midnight.His gaze snagged upon something. Leeson, do you remember this one? He lifted an envelope.As a matter of course, Leeson opened all his correspondence everything but thosemissives that bore the triangular seal of the Primordials.This envelope, smaller than thosein the remainder of the pile, had gone unopened.Leeson s eye squinted. No sir.Odd, that one must have got by me.Archer stared at his name, written in a heavy, dark script above Black House s address,yet there were no other markings.Something jabbed at his memory something viciousand ugly.Taking up his letter opener from the desk, Archer slit the envelope along itsupper crease.Jack s vile scent spilled out like a plague.With a curse, Archer reflexively crushed theenvelope in his hand. What is it, your lordship? Leeson considered him with concern from the far side ofthe room, over the pile of garments in his arms.Archer wanted to shout.To curse.But alone.In a hushed tone, he answered,  It isnothing.You may go. Very good, sir.I ll just take these downstairs, then, for the laundress to tend to.Areyou hungry? Would you like something sent up from the kitchen? Not tonight.Archer waited until his secretary pulled the door closed before spreading the envelopeflat on the wooden surface of his desk.He had received a letter from his bloody target.Jack the Ripper had Transcended.But this was unparalleled.He had never received adirect communication from any of the souls he hunted, even those who crossed over intothat dangerous, supernatural state.The rules of the game had changed and becomeinfinitely more dangerous.But when did it happen? How strong had Jack become?With a growl he opened the letter.Black. Welcome to London.Did you enjoy the two lovely presents I left for you?Your ward is a lovely girl.I have heard she prepares for an occupation in medicine? Icould teach her a thing or two about human anatomy, as I have recently become an experton the subject.haha! Perhaps I shall call upon her and offer a lesson when I returnfrom my brief journey?Until then.Elena started up from the pillows, breaking free of the unsettling dream.She d beenrunning along a dark, fog-laden street.She had been frightened.Terrified.Suddenly, allthe lampposts had transformed from metal and glass into black trees with blazing limbs.Someone had been pursuing her someone whose heavy footsteps matched the rapidbeat of her heart.Thankfully something had awakened her.The close of a door? Voices?From her place on the window seat she peered toward the mantel clock.Eleveno clock.She lowered the text she d been reading from where it lay on her lap, to thecushion beside her and went to her door.Opening it, she caught a glimpse of Mr.Leeson, his arms piled with clothing, going inthe direction of the servants staircase.Just down the hall from her room, light gleamedfrom beneath the door of his lordship s private apartment.She exhaled, a bit nervous now [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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