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."Please?"Shit.Who the hell could resist that? Even my heart wasn'tcompletely iced over."What time?""Seven-thirty.That gives you plenty of time to rest up."Sighing, I tried to move away from him again."Tell yourmother I'll be there.Maybe I'll bring a casserole." If I couldfigure out how to carry it across the street.Gently, he eased me downward, back onto his body."Ithink she'll figure it out when we show up."We? "You intend to lay on this chair, with me on top ofyou, for three hours?""That's the plan, unless you're uncomfortable.""I imagine you're the one who would be uncomfortable.""Nah." His warm palms glided up and down my back."You're really light, but I like your weight on top of me."The feeling of my life spinning out of control returned."Your parents are going to kill me.""Why?""Because I slept with their youngest son, that's why."The humor in his voice wasn't exactly comforting."Yeah,you did.And you were great, by the way."I groaned inwardly."Your father have any new huntingtrophies up in the den? He still a crack shot?"He chuckled, and the sound rumbled through my entirebody."My dad's not going to shoot you, Jesse."I was certain now that allowing him to use my first namehad been a mistake.The damage was done, though, andthere was no taking it back.Keith's muscles flexed a bit as hesettled himself into a better position, and I could feel his62 Chasing Winter [Warm Rush Book I]by Rowan McBridethighs against mine, the ridges of his abs pressing into me,and the pecs that were currently serving as my pillow.Hardas a rock.I didn't understand how I could be comfortable, butI was.Maybe this was worth a shotgun shell."You're sure it'sall right for me to sleep here?""It's fine, Jesse." He paused a moment."Your blanket fellon the ground.You want it?"I felt the sun on my back, Keith's body underneath me,and realized I didn't."No.I feel.I feel warm."[Back to Table of Contents]63 Chasing Winter [Warm Rush Book I]by Rowan McBrideCHAPTER 4I stared down into the Taylors' koi pond.The blue stoneson the bottom gave an unexpected depth to the shallow poolas a large, red and white fish swam lazily by.A smaller blackand red one appeared more interested in me, pausing as itseemed to stare right into my eyes."Do you guys have names?" I asked softly.The black fish swam in a tight circle, looked at me again.I smiled."Didn't think so.You're not missing anything.Once you have a name, people know who you are.Oncepeople know who you are, they expect things from you.Andthat can be more trouble than it's worth."Suddenly I realized I was trying to have a conversationwith a fish."Man, Jesse.You're really losing it."And was talking to myself really any better?Not wanting to dwell on that, I glanced up to survey theTaylors at their family barbeque.Bob was grilling up moreburgers and chicken breasts no doubt for me and myoverstuffed refrigerator.Keith was getting up for thirds by mycount.Ryan had eaten considerably slower, and he got up afew moments after Keith to get himself seconds.The tall boystood timidly behind his younger brother as he waited.Keith turned, looked surprised to see him standing there.He asked him something, and Ryan nodded.Keith smiled,handing him his own plate, which already had a hamburgeron it.Ryan gingerly took it and said something that lookedlike a thank-you.64 Chasing Winter [Warm Rush Book I]by Rowan McBrideWhen Keith patted him on the back, Ryan's body jumpedas the plate trembled in his hands.He cast an uncertain smileup at his brother before walking away to a small bench at thefar end of the yard.The look on Keith's face reflected his pain.Raw, artless.Itheld none of the sophistication of the pain inside me, and Ididn't want it to achieve such a level."You've hardly eaten anything tonight, Jesse.Are you sureyou wouldn't like a second helping?"I turned my head and forced a smile."I'm afraid I don'thave much of an appetite these days, Marjorie.But it was alovely meal."Her expression sympathetic, she reached out to pat myshoulder, thought better of it, and awkwardly pulled her handaway.I pretended not to notice."Well, we'll make sure thatyou go home with plenty of food, and you can eat at yourown pace."Would she be so generous if she knew I'd spent the betterpart of the afternoon asleep on top of her son? "Thank you,Marjorie.That's very kind of you."She nodded and left to join her husband.I glanced at Ryan.He looked every bit as alone as Keith.They had the same dark hair and the same hazel eyes, butright now they were as far apart as two brothers could be.I shouldn't get into this.I should let them sort it out forthemselves.Taking a deep breath, I ignored my own advice and limpedover to him.65 Chasing Winter [Warm Rush Book I]by Rowan McBrideSince he'd been staring at my scars all evening, I sat onhis left side to minimize his fascination."Hello, Ryan."He looked at me, then back at his burger, which he hadn'ttouched."Hi, Mr.Winter.""You've grown up quite a bit since I saw you last.Are youstill running track?""Yes, sir.""You fast?"A smile curved his mouth."The fastest on my team.""Wow, that's quite an accomplishment."The smile faded and he shrugged."I used to think so.ButI guess it's not as cool as basketball."I remembered how, when Keith was young, he used to tellme how much he wished that he was as good at sports as hisbrother.Now it appeared that Ryan felt as if he were the oneliving in the shadow of the better athlete."I think being atrack star on a college level team is very impressive.""But you played basketball, didn't you?" He lifted his headto look at me."I'll bet you're really glad to hear that Keithplays it now.""That doesn't make me any less impressed with you."His shoulders relaxed."Really?""Really." I glanced at Keith, who was talking to his father."You and Keith seem a little tense around each other today.You guys have a fight?"Ryan went back to staring at his hamburger."Somethinglike that.""Want to talk about it?""It's not like talking will fix it."66 Chasing Winter [Warm Rush Book I]by Rowan McBrideI leaned forward on my cane."It's always tough, when youhave a fight with someone you love.The forgiving part comeseasy, because it's, well, love.It's the forgetting that trips youup."He set his plate beside him."I think I'm having troublewith both.""Ah." I glanced at him briefly, then faced forward again."Ihad a fight like that once.With my father."Ryan was quiet a long moment, before he tentativelybroke the silence."Was it bad?""I shouted at the top of my lungs that I hated him."A touch of sarcasm threaded into his voice."But you didn'tmean it, right?""Oh, I meant it.I meant it and he knew it."Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him rest his elbows onhis knees."What was the fight about?""I can't remember.It seemed very important at the time.What I'll never forget is the look on my father's face when Isaid it.""Did you feel guilty?""Not right then.I was so full of heat and anger that therewasn't room for anything else.It just seemed to sneak up onus.My dad and I were best friends [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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