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.Then with a sigh she made up her mind that hewouldn't wait any longer, and she slowly got up from the mattress, giving his deflated cock a final playfulsqueeze with her fingers before standing up. "All right," she reluctantly agreed."Get dressed and we'll go.You can put on that gown over there; wewon't be going far and no one will see you."He shrugged into the fancy silk gown she had pointed out to him and waited for her to straighten her hairand join him at the door of the bedroom.She lifted her face up to his for a quick kiss before leaving, andhe felt her tongue dart serpent-like into his mouth, but he ignored the light aching sensation this caused inhis depleted testicles as he urged her toward the door."Promise me you won't say anything until we find out if she's still busy," she said as they walked togetherdown a carpeted hall from her apartment.Robert's heart jumped in his chest at her words."W-what do you mean, busy?" he demanded."You'll see," she smiled up at him coyly."Just promise me, or I can't take you there." She stopped andrefused to go on until she had his word."Oh, all right, all right," he answered in exasperation.It was obvious there was something going on hedidn't yet understand, but he would never find out if he didn't go along with her.Strange thoughts of whathe might see were running through his mind as he meekly followed her to another old section of the hotel.Finally they stopped in front of a tall door of heavy carved wood, and Feyadin pulled a silk tasseledcord.In the interior, as if from a great distance, Robert heard a softly tinkling bell, and the door wasopened by a huge man with a bald head and muscled arms as thick as the average man's legs.Hestepped aside after shooting an inquisitive glance at Robert, nodding solemnly at Feyadin as though heknew her and beckoning them to enter.What the hell has Penny gotten us into? Robert asked himself as he followed the Turkish woman fromone spacious room to another.Finally she put up her hand to signal that he should not talk, and sheslowly opened another door and leaned her head inside.She watched whatever was going on for a longmoment and then she turned back to Robert, whose curiosity was getting the better of him, and leanedclose to whisper in his ear."Remember, you promised not to say anything until they're finished," she warned him, looking deep intohis eyes to see if he would do as she said.Finally satisfied that he understood, she opened the door a little wider and slipped silently into the room.Robert followed close behind, his heart beating in his chest like a tom-tom.He couldn't imagine whatFeyadin's mysterious actions were leading up to.And then he saw Penny!His lovely young bride was up on her knees in the middle of a huge bed surrounded by mirrors, her facepressed down on its side into the mattress, her young body completely naked.Up behind her openlyexposed buttocks a man Robert had never seen before was kneeling, staring down at her defenselessgenitals obscenely proffered to his lustful gaze.The man held his rigidly erect cock in his right hand,preparing to insert it between her lewdly spread ass-cheeks where the young beauty's husband couldsee the pink moist slit of her vagina below.Robert gasped in disbelief.This couldn't be his innocentinexperienced wife waiting expectantly on her knees for the long thick rod poised inches from herupraised buttocks.Not the naive reluctant little bride he had so recently fucked for the first time in herlife.It just couldn't be!Then the girl lifted her face from the bed a few inches as if to look back at the man behind her to seewhy he was hesitating, and Robert hissed out his breath.He no longer had any room for doubt that itwas in fact his bride.His stomach muscles tightened and he was about to cry out in anger when he feltFeyadin's hand tighten on his wrist as she gave him a threatening glance.He stopped, fighting down his sense of outrage at the scene taking place only a few yards away on the bed.To all appearances,neither Nisli nor Robert's wife Penny had noticed them enter the room.The captive blonde was suddenlyquivering in fear as she felt the intimidating hugeness of the blood-swollen penis pressed into the splitbetween her widespread buttocks.He had ordered her up on her knees in a harsh voice that she couldnot ignore, and, thinking that she had nothing more to lose after the depraved sucking act he had justforced her into, she had obeyed his command.Oh God, he's too big, she was now thinking in panic.He'll split me open!Her buttocks involuntarily cringed forward drawing away from the rubbery tipped cock, but therelentless shaft followed.Penny's forehead was once again pressed tightly down into the mattress.Therewas no way to escape his hands grasping painfully into the firmly flaring flesh of her upraised half-moonbuttocks.Penny's incredulous husband saw her cringing forward, and, after a first impulse to rush to heraid, he smiled crookedly to himself.Let him tear the phony little bitch open, he swore to himself.Afterthe way she had resisted her own husband scarcely one day before, he thought bitterly, she deservedwhat she was about to get.On the bed the frightened young wife felt Nisli's hands slip forward andclose around the curving swell of her hips, holding her firmly back against his hardness."Reach behind-put it in," he panted in anticipation of what was coming."Oh, no, I can't," Pennywhimpered into the bedspread [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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