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.There was the increased sense of vitalitydoubly and trebly delightful after my illness and a great feeling ofrestful absence of fret.No Sense of Perfection.But don't imagine that I felt myself a saint or in angel; I did not,and I fear that I do not now.The sense of imperfection is still withus.Oh, my friend, my friend, there are heights to scale which youhave not dreamed of; there are depths of infinite love which wehave not even attempted to fathom.Arid the more we see, andknow, and understand of DIRECT FROM THE SPIRIT WORLD 51the Divine love, the more we feel lost in the contrast between theimmensity of His love and the infinitesimal meagerness of our ownsouls.But the difference between what we feel here and on earth isthat here the consciousness of love is everywhere.We see what weare, and we often regret it, and mourn for our shortcomings.But weknow that we live in the very love of God, and that our verystumblings tend upwards.But we do stumble and fall short of theglory of God.The Persistence of Individuality.Even here! oh, my friend, my friend, do you think that if thatbundle of passionate and eager forces which make up what you callyour Ego were to come here, if the earthly house of your tabernaclewere to be dissolved, that you would, in a moment, in a twinklingof an eye, be quite other than you are? Would that spirit of yoursbe freed from the characteristics which make you really you? No, Itell you no.Individuality is not eliminated, but rather accentuatedin its essence, and harmonized in its accidents.The trouble in theworld is that there it is the other way.There is so much friction inthe horns and hoofs and armor of individuality that the realindividuality often perishes.No, I don't mean that we never get into a temper; but we are inwhat you might call a moral and spiritual sanitarium.We havebrought with us all our diseases.We get cured.You can understandthat by analogy with the effect of certain climates on earth onphysical maladies.The ozone of our life here is love.And, my dearfriend, if you had but love enough you would have heaven whereyou are.Believe me, that there is no truth greater than this.God isLove! God is Love!How Love Makes Heaven.And heaven differs from earth most of all in this.There is morelove in it; and every love that throbs in the human heart makesearth more like heaven.No, I will not be led into a discussion aboutdifferent 52 LETTERS FROM JULIAloves.I have written about that before.All that I need say now isthat the love which takes you out of yourself, and makes thehappiness of another so important to you as to make even painand trouble joyous, and more to be desired than the greatestpleasures, if they are for the welfare of the beloved, that love is thelove that overcometh the world.Sin is only the absence of love.Sorrow would be turned into joy if only you loved.I know whatyou mean.But the sorrow that comes from loving one too muchno, you can never love any one too much.You often love otherstoo little, and the misery you feel because, as you say, you loveone too much, is really because you love the other too little.And Lack of Love Hell.You have, for instance, lost, by parting or by misunderstanding,some one whom you idolize.You are wretched, and life seemsdark, and there is no object worth living for.This darkness andmisery are not because you love, but because you don't love.Forthat which troubles you is the void, the blank left in your life.Youhave never mastered the secret of the true life until you havelearned that love is the magic wand that can transform the world,and that wherever it is not transformed it is because you do notlove.For instance, if your heart was always full of love for all menas it is for the woman whom you most passionately adore ifevery human or sentient being were so much loved by you thatyou were as much rapt into ecstasy by a chance of helping them,and of making them glad, as you are by similar opportunities forher whom you love you would never be a blank, nor existence aburden.No, my dearest friend, believe me when I say, whateverelse I may have to teach you, there is nothing that for a moment iscomparable in importance to this the open secret of heaven'slove.He who dwells in perfect love is in heaven.Hatred is hell, andGod is with all DIRECT FROM THE SPIRIT WORLD 53who love.God is love.Those who do not love are without God.Death Exists for the Living [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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