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.com/abclit.htmlFlogging to falling was what I had planned for you after that last piece of ignorance, and it'swhat you're going to get, she thought, as she filled Zoltanova's canteen with the mixture of pure whitewadiki and water from her own.It was pleasant not to have to do this to an undeserving soldier& drunkand asleep, while the commander went into the woods to take a dump and never came back.Notquiteenough for execution& maybe.Now the plan: off into the woods a little, put her armor down a well,quick-change into the Imperial set she had packed on one of the mounts;they were both of the Arkanbreed as well, runners, not destriers.Cut her arm a little, blood on Hotblood's saddle along with the pointand broken-off shaft of a barbed Arkan javelin&NO, Hotblood thought.Shkai'ra groaned mentally.YESNOYES!NONONONONONONONONONOIsmallsharpsnippy-disagreeable the Ri's thought-concept forMegan, colored with a mixture of dislike, respect and apprehensiongolook/search/smellcoltredmaneherdmarestaywithMEME MEMEMEMEMElYES! Shkai'ra threw her greatest overtone of dominance into the thought, along with images ofdismembered bleeding Arkans in Megan's company.Sulk.She hesitated for a moment, looking at the banner."Sheepshit," she muttered to herself.The biggest warshe'd ever been involved in, a brigade command coming up, and she had toleave , on a clandestinemission.That was irony for you, sneaking around was Megan's special skill& totally useless now, simplybecause of her size and the color of her hair and eyes."Only for you, my love," she muttered, turning Hot-blood's head into the woods."Only for you." TheSlaughterers would search energetically, of course, but evading a search and running mounted ahead of acavalry screen were skills she had learned as soon as she could walk.And the Alliance army had movedinto the Empire like a spear into flesh, a long narrow thrust down its eastern highway; she would not havefar to go to reach territory more or less under Arkan control.XVThe sunlight deepened from golden to orange, the slanting shadow of each rider growing longer; soonthey'd halt and camp.Not soon enough; despite the leather riding-sling giving it support, Megan's leg hurtlike Halya."Zhymata?" Sova had been deep in thought all day as she rode, the hazel eyes seeming full to bursting,but the lips tightly closed.Buckled to her saddle, in the place of honor, was Shkai'ra's saber."I had a talkwithkhyd-hird.She said& she wants me to decide whether I wanted to train to be a great warrior and a Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlcommander, or just good enough to defend myself.She says she thinks I could be as good asher.""From what I can see, she's right," Megan said."You also show promise at mathematics; you could be agood merchant, if you wanted.You are a bit old to choose what you want to be, but you don't have toyet, because the family has money.""I don't know what I want." The girl pursed her lips."I used to: I wanted to marry a good Thane-manand live in a big house in Brahvniki.I know you think that's wimpy, but that's what I wanted.But I can'tdo thatnow.""So marry a good person of someother nationality and live in a big house in Brahvniki.If you're happyraising children and running the household, that's fine too." Megan scratched the back of her neckcarefully, nervous, waiting for the news she knew was coming, feeling her stomach knot, but stopping herhand from pressing under her breastbone."Zhymata, do you really think anyone in Brahvniki, anyone who knows or would be warned whathappened, and cares for hiszight , would marry me?""If the person you want to marry cares more for theirzight than for you, fik 'em.Find someone whodoesn't give a shit for what your father or I did but cares only for you.Shyll is like that, and I hardly wentlooking forhim." Sova didn't answer."Does it matter to you that he's Thanish? It hasn't seemed to, whenI think of a certain young Yeoli." The Thane-girl smiled helplessly."Megan! Megan called Whitlock!" The voice came from ahead, official sounding, but with a tinge ofhidden panic.Oh, Halya.Here it comes."Here!" Megan raised a hand, turned the pony out a step or two without stopping.The caller was acavalrywoman, one of the Slaughterers, it looked like, breathless even though she was mounted."You've got to come forward! We need you! It's by authorization of Bukangkt& uh& Slaughterers'actingkras.""Oh, shit, Bukangkt? Where's Shkai'ra? I'm coming." She kicked the pony hard enough that it jumpedand crow-hopped in surprise before plunging forward.Megan didn't even notice that, clinging on.Thecavalrywoman wheeled before Megan reached her and led the way."She's gone missing," the woman, whose nationality Megan couldn't tell, said once they were out ofearshot of Sova."The only one escorting her we found sleeping dead-drunk under a tree; and Hotbloodcame back& " She glanced over her shoulder, eyes seeming to measure how Megan was taking it."Witha javelin stuck in his saddle, and blood.Bukangkt said you had some way& of searching."Megan set her face, thinning her lips, as if holding in emotion.For a moment she thought it might be real,not the faked missing in action, long enough to pale her face; she didn't answer, only nodded.The womansaid nothing, only kicked her horse into a gallop, Megan doing likewise.They passed the head of thecolumn.Badfeelingaboutthis.badfeelingaboutthis.Hotblood's thoughts, not berserk; yes, Shkai'ra wasintentionally gone, according to plan [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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