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.Nor can US government support of Israeli aggression inGaza be linked to any 'geo-political interests in the Middle East' as argued byProfessor Steven Zunes.The Lobby has spoken and Washington has listened:Israel is to be supported, their lies are truths, their invasion is defensive, their'anguish' is real, their life is a 'nightmare'; the 'others' are terrorists.The Palestinians' tiny crowded strip of land is backed up against thesea.But the Palestinian people have held it for untold generations.It willrequire their utter physical annihilation by the Israeli storm troopers to removetheir presence.EpilogueAs the Israeli war machine grinds on inexorably toward the 'FinalSolution' under the torrid summer sun, the killing fields of Gaza becomesaturated with Palestinian blood.As the Palestinian casualties mount bythe dozen each day, the deaths exceeding a hundred and the wounded bythree hundred by the middle of July, new evidence of Israel's criminal use ofillegal gruesome chemical and experimental weapons comes to light.OnJuly 9, the Palestinian Health Ministry released a report from surgeons inGaza hospitals which revealed that "all 249 casualties inflicted by the Israeliwar machine during the operation in Gaza.resulted from shrapnel of newlydeveloped shells and explosives which cause amputation of limbs and burning ofall the injured parts." In Shifa Hospital, Dr.al-Saqqa (who heads the hospital'semergency service) stated, "Even bodies of the injured have been almostcompletely burnt.They have been deformed in a very ugly way that we havenever seen before.When we try to x-ray dead bodies, we find no trace of107 The Power of Israel in the United States / James Petrasshrapnel that hit the person killed.We are sure that Israel is using a newchemical or radioactive weapon in the new operation (assault on Gaza).Morethan 25% of the injured are children under 16."21 The day after the World CupFootball Final, Israeli storm troopers murdered four teenagers playing football ina field.Given the impunity granted them by the United Nations, the EuropeanUnion and the United States, Israel intensified its attacks in Gaza to thepoint of blowing up fully occupied three-story apartment buildings, killing twowomen and two children on July 10.22 The Israeli government repeated theusual war propaganda, claiming "they were aiming for the terrorists".As usual,the major US-Jewish organizations echoed the Israeli line that "there was nohumanitarian crisis in Gaza".23 Even as Israel denied any crisis, it proceeded totighten the entry of foreign citizens (mostly US) of Palestinian ethnicity into theOccupied Territories for the first time since 1967.23 This includes physicians,engineers, journalists and academics of Palestinian ancestry holding US orEuropean citizenship, separating them from their family members, patientsand colleagues trapped in Gaza.It is clear that Israel is doing everythingpossible to block the full exposure of the extent of its terror campaign to isolatethe Palestinians from the rest of the world and to break up families in order tocreate the "conditions", as both Sharon and Rabin had once so poetically put it,for the massive Palestinian "voluntary departure".Not to be outdone by theirearlier brutality, on July 11, Israel dropped a 1 ton bomb on an apartmentbuilding in a crowded Gaza neighborhood, killing 23 Palestinians, fourteendescribed as civilians including nine from one family mother, father and sevenchildren all below the age of seventeen.Predictably the 'Final Solution' or 'Palestinian Holocaust' deniers inthe US media and especially the pro-Israel Jewish press continue to defendthe invasion, the killings and the destruction without the least shame but ratherwith the self-righteous vehemence of unchallenged bullies.As the Israelimurderous campaign proceeds inside Gaza with impunity, it extends its poweragainst a spineless European Union.On July 7, 2006 Israel imprisoned HassanKhreshi, Vice-President of the Political Committee on Security and HumanRights of the Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly (EMPA) of whichIsrael is a member.Clearly the EU's newly discovered impotence to openlycriticize Israel's slaughter in Gaza has encouraged its rulers to even morebloody aggression which does not stop at the borders of Gaza.On July 12,Israel invaded Lebanon after a border incident involving Hezbollah (a LebaneseIslamic-nationalist political-military organization).This resulted in the capture oftwo Israeli soldiers and the death of seven Israeli soldiers and two Lebanesecivilians.As grassroots resistance in the Arab world increases, the Israeli warmachine moves beyond its borders, now to Lebanon and likely to Syria andother neighboring countries where opposition to the 'Final Solution' is likely todevelop.108 Israel's Final Solution: The Assault on GazaAlthough in the US the Conference of Presidents of the Major JewishOrganizations and the opinion page writers in the major and minor US mediaunconditionally support the Israeli government's position opposed to negotiationwith the elected Hamas leadership and their brutal bombing of Palestiniancivilians trapped without food, water or electricity in Gaza, over 54 percent ofIsraeli Jews believe that the government has used excessive force, particularly inarresting elected Hamas officials, and 50 percent supported negotiating withHamas over the release of the Israeli prisoner of war while 42 percentoppose negotiations [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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