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.If you want to go back home to see your father, you haveevery right to do that—whether they like it or not.”I was angry for Sebastian.Hell, I’d known him just for two days,and he was one of the strongest people I knew.Probably because hehad both inner power and inner light at the same time.He could defendhimself against the cruelties of the world and still keep a positiveoutlook.Not an easy task by any definition.Shit, he should’ve beencommended, not reprimanded for his handicap—which as far as I couldsee wasn’t a handicap at all.Damn if his tender, relieved smile didn’t light up the room withits warm glow.“Thanks, Jordan,” he repeated quietly with his deep voice,pronouncing the hard consonants a bit muffled, as always.I liked theway my name sounded coming from him, rolling out of his mouth.Icould’ve listened to him forever.“You’re a good friend.”Oh, there it was again.That word.Friend.I was beginning to hatethat word—even though that was the role I was offering Sebastian rightnow.The comfort and support of a friend.Not the warm embrace of alover.“Thanks….” I let out a resigned sigh.Okay, if that was what hewanted and needed at the moment, then that was what I would provide.No questions asked.Suddenly I felt his hand squeezing me a bit more, and I looked athim, puzzled.His smile was practically wicked as he leaned over thetable as if to take me into his confidence.“Although I do want you tobe my lover more than my friend.Even though this isn’t, strictlyspeaking, a date—yet.”I felt like the wind had been knocked out of me.Like I’d beensucker-punched.There I was, in a seafood restaurant, gasping with my46Susan Lainemouth open like a fish on dry land.I took a breath to appreciate theirony of it.It took all the focus out of me, and I had to fight the urge topull him into me, into an embrace, into a kiss—and I had nothing tosay.My mind was a complete blank.“Was that too forward of me?” His eyes held mine tightly.Hewas waiting, without any emotions showing through.I was high as a kite.“No, that was… just perfect.”As I smiled, he began to relax too and smile back.We sat therelike that, grinning like two teenagers in love, until the waiter boy cameto bring us our late-night dinner.Finally letting go of each other’shands, we started eating the steaming-hot fish and chips and veggies.Itwasn’t a five-star restaurant, but the food was good and well prepared,and there was enough of it to sate our hungers.To fill our stomachs,that is.The other hunger would have to take a backseat for now.The silence between us while we ate was comfortable andpleasant.At times we kept glancing over at one another, to make surethe other was still there, that the mood hadn’t changed, to take a look ata person whose company we enjoyed.Sure, it had been a long day, butI felt rejuvenated and energized.I had Sebastian to thank for that.Forsharpening my senses.For awakening my dulled mind.For arousingmy body into a slowly kindling flame.“So, Jordan, did you figure out what I said before, in the Cage?”Oh, teasing Sebastian again.I grinned like a fool and nodded,because it was the God’s honest truth.I knew people, even fromunpredictable circles.I’d been all over the map with all sorts of people.Okay, it had been a bit of a surprise even to me to find out that Iactually did know someone who could sign.It had never occurred tome before how many acquaintances I had accumulated in my rowdylife until I checked my Rolodex.I’d found a casual fuck-buddy whoworked at a university research facility in Chicago now and who had adeaf cousin with whom he spoke in ASL.Amazing—and convenient,I’d thought at the time as I dialed his phone, eager to get out theanswer.What had surprised me more was what Sebastian had said.Iwondered if he had really intended for me to learn it.Maybe he’dassumed I’d never find anyone or wouldn’t bother going the extra mileto really find out.“I’m glad you think I’m too hot for my own good.I’llSOUNDS OF LOVE47have to make sure you take notice of me more often.” I hadn’t relayedeverything he’d said.Just enough for him to know I had figured it out.A dull-red blush spread all across his cheeks and throat, but hestill smiled and kept his eyes fixed on me.“It’s all true,” he said withdefiance, lifting his chin a bit, a slight dark shadow of stubble therenow at the end of the day.I felt like playing too.“Oh? Even the part where you said you’dlike to lick my—”Now his blush reached every inch of his white skin as he rushedto speak.“Just testing to see if you would—”“Uh-huh, yeah, right.” I cut him off with a wide grin that spokeway more than a mere murmur.And he got it.Read it from my face aseasily as text from a book, or words from lips.Swallowing hard and licking his lips, he bit his lower lip again.Istared, unable to look away.That made him smile again.A wide,satisfied tuck of his lips.I wanted to kiss him so badly my bodytwitched in his direction over the table.At the last second I managed topull back before my work shirt was smeared all over with fish oils frommy emptied plate.Oh, did I see right? Was that disappointment thatflashed across his face? This night looked promising.As much as I wanted him and wanted to see where this thingbetween us was going, I felt like I should warn him.I did have areputation, after all—and only some of it undeserved.It wasuncharacteristic of me to give someone a heads-up about my badhabits, but this was different.He was different from the others [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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