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.It wasn t until he set the pan on the stovetop andglanced at me that I knew for certain he hadn t missed a word.He tossed the glove onto the counter, grabbed the wine bottle, and came directly to me.Calmly, hetook my wineglass and refilled it before he spoke. I expect he wants to see you when he s in NewYork next week.It took me the space of a breath to respond. You knew he was coming back! I accused. Of course I knew.Whether that was because Brett s band was signed to Vidal Records or because Gideon waskeeping an eye on him, I didn t know.Both reasons were entirely plausible. Did you agree to meet up? His voice was smooth and soft.Dangerously so.Ignoring the fluttering of nerves in my belly, I held his gaze. Yes, for the reveal of the new Six-Ninths music video.Cary s going with me.Gideon nodded, leaving me anxious and clueless about his feelings.I slid off the stool and went to him.Wrapping me up in his arms, he rested his cheek against the topof my head.  I ll back out, I offered quickly. I don t really want to go anyway. It s okay. Swaying from side to side, rocking me, he whispered,  I broke your heart. That s not why I agreed to go!His hands came up and pushed through my hair, combing it back from my forehead and cheeks witha gentleness that brought tears to my eyes. We can t just forget the last few weeks, Eva.I cut youdeep and you re still bleeding.It struck me then that I hadn t been ready to pick up the pieces of our relationship as if nothing hadgone wrong.A part of me was holding a grudge, and Gideon had picked up on it.I struggled out of his hold. What are you saying? That I have no right to leave you and hurt you for whatever reason then expect you to forgethow that felt and forgive me overnight. You killed a man for me! You don t owe me anything, he snapped. My love for you is not an obligation.It still tore through me like a bullet every time he said he loved me, despite how often he proved itwith his actions.My voice was softer when I said,  I don t want to hurt you, Gideon. Then don t. He kissed me with heartrending tenderness. Let s eat, before the food gets cold.I changed into a Cross Industries T-shirt and a pair of Gideon s pajama bottoms that I rolled up at theankles.We took candles over to the coffee table and ate cross-legged on the floor.Gideon kept myfavorite sweater on but swapped his slacks for a pair of black lounging pants.Licking a dab of tomato sauce off my lip, I told him about the rest of my day. Mark s gathering thenerve to ask his partner to marry him. If I m remembering correctly, they ve been together awhile. Since college.Gideon s mouth curved. I suppose it s still a tough question to ask, even if the answer is a surething.I looked down at my plate. Was Corinne nervous when she asked you? Eva. He waited until the lengthy silence brought my head up. We re not going to talk about that. Why not? Because it doesn t matter.I searched his face. How would you feel if you knew there was someone out there I d said yes to?Theoretically.He shot me an irritated look. That would be different because you wouldn t say yes unless the guyreally meant something to you.What I felt was & panic.The feeling didn t go away until she brokethe engagement. Did you buy her a ring? The thought of him shopping for a ring for another woman hurt me.Ilooked down at my hand, at the ring he d bought for me. Nothing like that one, he said quietly.My hand fisted, guarding it. Reaching over, Gideon set his right hand over mine. I bought Corinne s ring in the first store Iwent to.I had nothing in mind, so I picked one that looked like her mother s.Very differentcircumstances, don t you agree? Yes. I hadn t designed the ring Gideon wore, but I d searched six shops before I found the rightone.It was platinum studded with black diamonds, and it reminded me of my lover, with its coolmasculine elegance and bold, dominant style. I m sorry, I said, wincing. I m an ass.He lifted my hand to his lips and kissed my knuckles. So am I, on occasion.That made me grin. I think Mark and Steven are perfect for each other, but Mark has this theorythat men get the urge to marry, and then it goes away if it isn t acted on quickly enough. I would think it d be more about the right partner than the right time. I ve got my fingers crossed for it to work out for them. I picked up my wine. Want to watchTV?Gideon leaned his back against the front of the sofa. I just want to be with you, angel.I don t carewhat we re doing.WE cleaned up the mess from dinner together.As I reached for the rinsed dish Gideon held out for meto put in the dishwasher, he faked me out.He grabbed my hand instead and deftly set the plate on thecounter.Catching me around the waist, he spun us into a dance.From the living room, I caught thestrains of something beautiful laced with a woman s pure, haunting voice. Who is this? I asked, already breathless from the feel of Gideon s powerful body flexing againstmine.The desire that always smoldered between us flared, making me feel vibrant and alive.Everynerve ending sensitized, preparing for his touch.Hunger coiled tight with heated anticipation. No clue. He swept me around the island and into the living room.I surrendered to his masterful lead, loving that dancing was a passion we shared and awed by theobvious joy he felt in just being with me.That same pleasure effervesced within me, lightening mysteps until it felt like we were gliding.As we approached the sound system, the music rose in volume.I heard the words dark and dangerous in the lyrics and stumbled in surprise. Too much wine, angel? Gideon teased, pulling me closer.But my attention was riveted to the music.The singer s pain.A tormented relationship she likenedto loving a ghost.The words reminded me of the days when I believed I d lost Gideon forever, andmy heart ached.I looked up into his face.He was watching me with dark, glittering eyes. You looked so happy when you were dancing with your dad, he said, and I knew he wantedtreasured memories like that between us [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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